The aging process is an inevitable fact, with whichsooner or later you have to put up with each person. Elixir of youth has not yet been invented, but women who tend to worry about the condition of their skin more than men, use a lot of recipes and methods aimed at skin rejuvenation. And it gives its results! Many women who regularly care for their skin, and after forty have the faces of young girls.

You need to look after not only the skin of the face, but alsobody. But the first signs of aging of the body, as a rule, first become visible on our face. And sooner or later, but will have to use the entire arsenal of known means to prolong youthfulness of the skin of the face. And it's not about plastic surgery at all, although qualified surgeons do wonders. Rejuvenation of the facial skin at home with the right approach and regularity produces an effect comparable to expensive salon procedures.

In order to slow the aging process andmake obvious wrinkles less noticeable, try to prepare a dandelion lotion. To do this, prepare a mixture of crushed flowers, leaves, stems and roots of dry dandelions, and pour it into dark glassware. The bay is raw with vodka, taken in the same volume as the herbal mixture, to give the future lotion ten days to infuse. Strain and dilute with two parts of water, the liquid should be used to wipe the face in the morning and evening. Keep refrigerated. For the same recipe, you can prepare rejuvenating lotions from mint, rose petals or nettles.
A wonderful effect on skin rejuvenation havemasks cooked at home. For example, a simple mask of yolk. It is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and applied to the face for half an hour. After this time, the mask is rinsed off with warm water. It not only rejuvenates, but nourishes the skin of the face.