Today there is a boom in the spherenail design. There are new techniques, styles, varnishes, offering extraordinary, and sometimes extraordinary drawings or coverings. Nails in this design look trendy and attractive. But this is a pleasant side of the coin.

Unpleasant is that all the coatingssooner or later wear out, and they have to be removed. With conventional varnishes there are no problems, but how to remove fashionable gel-lacquer now? There is a special liquid for removing the gel-varnish, about which the speech will go further. Yes, it is sold in any specialized points, however, the price is too high. But after all, and the varnish needs to be removed is not usual.
Liquid for removing gel-varnish: features
I want to start with the fact that all liquids forremoval of gel-varnishes in its composition contain the main active substance - acetone. However, if you decide to remove the coating on your own, then in no case can this be done with the help of industrial acetone formulations. First, such a substance will severely damage and dry the nail plate, which will turn into its foliation. Secondly, the aggressive environment of acetone negatively affects the human body, if it penetrates into it. He gets there through the skin of the fingers, which is when removing the coating.

Not used to remove gel coating.nail polish remover without acetone - it simply will not take a solid composition. Special remurers (nail polish remover), the price of which is quite high, ultimately fully justify the money spent, since the contents of one bottle last long.
Gel Polish Remover: Use Technique
Before proceeding with the procedure of removing nail polish,learn how to properly hold it. For safety reasons (due to the same acetone), the hands must be oiled with a rich, nourishing cream before the procedure. This will not allow the acetone in the composition of the liquid to penetrate through the pores into the body.

Work with liquid can only be handssmeared with cream. You will also need foil and a cotton disc (or special windings - they are more expensive than discs), which you must first cut into 4 pieces. Now you can take cotton wool, dip it in a remuver and put it on the nail. From above it is wrapped with foil. It is necessary to do so with each nail and leave for 10 minutes. This liquid is a volatile substance, therefore, they use foil. If the discs and foil removed before 10 minutes, the gel varnish simply will not be removed. The remaining pieces of nail polish can be removed with an orange stick. Gel polish is also removed with extreme caution. Foil together with cotton wool must be smoothly rotated and removed by rotation.
Important! Shoot - strictly in turn with each finger. Simultaneous action will cause the gel polish to harden again. When choosing a tool, pay attention to such factors.