/ / How to weave braids with tape: instructions with step by step photos

How to weave braids with tape: instructions with step by step photos

Many modern girls vied fordemonstrate their extravagance and uniqueness, there are still among them beauties, possessing unsurpassed natural beauty and real wealth - long and well-groomed hair. Such luxury is worthless to hide behind shapeless “hoops” or simply collect in a pony tail. It should be a matter of pride, not agony. But for this you need to know which hairstyles are suitable for long hair and how to do it.

The article is told to inquisitive readers,how to weave braids with ribbon. This is a universal version of hair styling, which is suitable for both schoolgirls, young girls, and already mature women. Modern master hairdressers know how to make amazing braids and gladly share their talents with everyone. This article shows several ways to weave braids with ribbon, from the simplest to the rather complex in execution.

Long braid - girlish beauty

Spit has always been the subject of womenpride A few centuries ago, it was impossible to imagine a girl with a short haircut. However, modern ladies do not always want to bother with long hair care, because they don’t have the time or desire for it. Nevertheless, on the city streets more and more women are found who seek to revive the former beauty of women in its original form.

Crossed braids with ribbons

Ribbons, as one of the options for hair ornaments,it is not something new and outlandish. Narrow strips of silk fabric wove into their hairstyles and girls from wealthy families, and ordinary peasant women many centuries ago. And there are just a huge amount of ways to decorate hair with ribbons. They can be woven into braids, used as a pick-up or rim, tied with bows, etc. Creating some styling with this accessory will not cause difficulties even for a child, but for most of them you need to know step by step how to weave a braid with a ribbon. Usually, such work is trusted by a mother, grandmother or sister, but in fact you can do it yourself. To do this, you need to arm yourself with two mirrors in order to easily watch from all sides how the work is progressing.

How to weave pigtails?

A simple flagellum of three strands can even dopreschool girls, but how to weave a French braid with a ribbon, not all girls know. Its main difference from the usual pigtail is that it does not start from the place where the hair is collected in the tail, but is adjacent to the head. That is, the French braid weave, starting from the roots of the hair. The beginning of the hairstyle can be several places, usually it is the top of the head, but sometimes it is made from the forehead, weaving a fringe into the braid, or from the temple. In this case, the braid braids on its side and runs across the head diagonally.

How to braid braids

Before learning how to make hairstyles with ribbons,it is necessary to improve the knowledge and technique of creating simple braids in different versions. The photos below provide step-by-step instructions on how to make three types of braids:

  • French
  • french twisted;
  • "fish tail".

However, weaving ribbons into the hair so that it looks really beautiful is not an easy task, so you need to stop at the lessons on creating such hairstyles and study them more carefully.

Braid of four strands with ribbon

French ribbon braid

Let's start with the most laborious and incomprehensible forMany ways of hair styling - weaving a French braid with a satin ribbon. First of all, you need to prepare a piece of braid with a width of 1 cm and a length of about a meter longer than the hair. The tape with the help of Invisibles is fixed in the place where the spit will begin. You can also just snap it. Then you need to select part of the hair and divide it into three strands, and move the tape so that it is located between the central and left parts. Further work consists of the following steps:

  1. The right strand to hold under the center, and on top of it - the tape.
  2. Put the left strand on the right, but under the ribbon.
  3. Next, the central strand goes under the left and covers the ribbon.
  4. The right strand covers the center and passes under the ribbon.
  5. Thus, the whole braid is woven, but to each of its new “coils” it is necessary to add small strands of hair from the left and right sides.
  6. When the pigtail is finished, its tip needs to be fixed with the help of a thin elastic band. To give it volume, the side strands are slightly out of weaving.

On a note!The ribbon can be replaced with a thin three-spit pigtail, which is woven out of its own hair before the formation of the main braid. This modification of hairstyle will be a great alternative for older girls and young girls.

How to braid a fishtail pigtail

Weaving tapes into braids

There are several options for weaving tapes inhair. In general, braids differ among themselves according to exactly where they begin: in the center, from the side, on the crown or on the back of the head; whether they are attached to the head or are woven “from the beam”, as well as from how many strands and according to which scheme they are created. The easiest way is to weave an ordinary three-strand braid. This hairstyle can be decorated with a beautiful satin braid or bows, as our mothers and grandmothers did. How to weave braids with ribbon? In fact, they are very simple in execution. The hair should be divided into two parts, the tape should be fastened to the base of the future braid, folded in half. The braid is woven into the braid with extreme strands, and then tied with a bow.

More complicated versions of the hairstyle -"Inverted" braid or fishtail. How to do the last, we will tell you further. Now we will dwell on the technique of inverted weaving. In one of the previous photos you can see what it is and how to weave. Reversed braid with a ribbon looks unusual and festive, so it is necessary to be able to do it for any girl. This hairstyle is certainly good in itself, but it can and should be supplemented with bright accents. Ribbons are not always woven directly into the braid, they can connect two finished braids that are formed on the sides of the head.

Inverted braids with ribbons

Lacing on two braids

To make this hairstyle, you need to dividehair on the part in two. Then, weave out one inverted pigtail from the temple on each side, gradually picking up the hair so that it does not stretch, but evenly forms braids. When they are ready, they can be left in the same form, or slightly dissolve the side strands to give volume. How to weave braids with ribbon? For decoration, a narrow braid is taken (5-10 mm) and is attached at the top immediately to two pigtails, like laces. According to the same algorithm, it must be passed through the links of the braid, located opposite each other. To make the hairstyle look neat, it is important to observe symmetry during weaving of braids and their further combination.

Pigtail hairstyle and ribbon lacing

One of the successful versions of the previous installationThere is a combination of lacing and chetyrehpryadnoy spit. How to make this hairstyle, shows step by step photos. How to weave braids with ribbons described at the beginning of the article. Note that in this case the pigtail does not start from the hair roots, but from the beam. As for the rest, the course of action is no different from the above MC.

Spit "fish tail" with narrow ribbons

This hairstyle got this name thanks tosimilar to the underwater inhabitants, whose torso and back cover small scales. Make it will be quite easy, but the result will be stunning. Step-by-step instruction shows how to weave braids (photo). With ribbons or thick yarn, they are even more spectacular. You can use several colors at once. A narrow ribbon width of 3 or 5 mm, you need to tie up to the strands of hair and braid pigtail according to the above scheme.

Spit fish tail with ribbons

Simple hairstyle with colorful braid

Further we offer readers to try twouniversal options for braiding hair. The first photo shows a classic pigtail of three strands in which a multicolored ribbon in pastel colors is added. To give the hairstyle a light informality, the strands need to be slightly fluffed.

Spit with ribbons

The following photos for hair decoration alsonarrow satin ribbons were used. But they do not need to be woven into a braid, it will be enough to wrap them with crisscross high tails and tie them down on small bows.

Simple hairstyle for a girl with ribbons

Wide ribbon braid bezel

Finally, we offer a very unusual hairstyle,which can be done in just ten minutes. The hair is divided into two parts of the same volume. In the center of the back of the head under the hair you need to fasten a long wide ribbon or scarf, folded in half. Further, the hair from one of the sides is divided in two, one of the ends of the tape is taken and a simple three-spit braid is braided, which you need to lift upwards and fix like a bezel. With the second half of the hair and the other end of the tape, similar actions are performed, only the braid is laid on the other side of the head. Then the two braids are tied together, their ribbon tails are tied with a bow or a beautiful knot. So that the design does not slide off the head, it is better to fix it with stealth.

Beautiful hairstyle with pigtails with ribbon

These beautiful hairstyles can be created with the help of ordinary satin ribbons. Be creative and always be beautiful!