Карие глаза придают девушкам особый шарм и beauty. From time immemorial they were sung in poems and songs, and their owners sought to further emphasize their beauty. The brown eyes themselves are pretty observable, but with the help of a successful make-up you can make them much more expressive, give a look of mystery and depth.
We select the color palette.
Красивый макияж для карих глаз очень зависит от the correct choice of the color of the pencil and eye shadow. If you have a dark hair color (from dark-brown to raven-wing color), then it's best to choose brown-chocolate, graphite-gray, marsh green or black shades, and shades of honey, sand and golden hues. If you have blond hair, then you can choose a variety of shades of brown, as well as green, marsh, golden-olive, bright green, all purple and soft pink tones.
Technique of makeup of brown eyes for different occasions.
In order for the result to be impressive, it is necessary to choose 3 shades in one scale (it is best to buy all three in one pallet).
Correct makeup for brown eyes in 3 colors:The lightest shade we put under the eyebrow, as well as in the inner corners of the eyes. The darkest is used to bring the century down or to create dark corners of the eyes. The middle tint serves as a binder between the two others. All the lines need to be carefully shaded, for this purpose the oval brush made of natural hair is best. Bringing the line of the century best is a thin pointy sponge to achieve the most clear lines. With evening make-up, the darkest shade can be used to put a shadow on the crease of the eye - such eyes will look especially expressive.
Evening beautiful makeup for brown eyes shouldbe bright, so you can confidently use additional black or chocolate color pencil or a bright eyeliner. For evening make-up, you can safely use colors with sparkles. For a party or a bright event, you can make a beautiful make-up for the brown eyes in a "kochashim" style. To do this, it is necessary to raise the line above the eye with a bright glossy eyeliner, slightly extending it.
Oriental make-up for brown eyes.
This type of makeup is simply created for all shadesbrown eyes. Before you start makeup, you need to put your eyebrows in order. In order for such a beautiful makeup for brown eyes looked effective, the eyebrows should be dark and clear. To do this, the spaces between them need to be painted with a special brown pencil or shadows.
For eye makeup in oriental style we selectmatte or pearly tone. If your eyes have a hue from tea-brown to black, then you should choose blue, turquoise, red-pink, yellow, emerald or brownish-chocolate shades. If your eyes are light blue or greenish, then you should choose sandy-golden, gray, lilac, pink or purple.
How to draw Arab eyes: take a wide brush and very heavily apply the shadow
on the upper eyelid, as well as under the line of lower eyelashes.It is best to use several colors - so makeup will look especially bright and saturated. Next comes the turn of the line - it needs to be wound around the lower eyelid, giving the eyes an almond shape. Then we again look around our eyes with dark shadows. Arrows can be very different - they can enter the eye line, extending them, and can only repeat it. In the end, you need to densely make up the upper and lower eyelashes with ink - and the seductive Arab makeup is ready.
In order to make the makeup perfect, you need a hard workout (especially for arrows) but ultimately the result will exceed all your expectations.