/ / Fashionable square with a short bangs (photo)

Fashionable square with a short bangs (photo)

Kare - haircut, suitable for any face shape andtype of hair, except for strongly curly. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the hairstyle became fashionable - and is still relevant, acquiring more varieties. A square with a short bangs is a great option for those wishing to look stylish, without applying any special efforts. A clear advantage of the haircut is a visual increase in the density of even very thin hair.

Short haircut

Women with a beautiful long neck fitsshort graded square with or without bangs. The length of the hair from behind can be very short or open the neck without revealing the back of the head, and the strands are lengthened ahead.

Women with a round oroval face, decided on a square with a short bangs. In addition, this option is preferred for owners of large features. On the foreground is a face, and the entire hairstyle has a roundness, volume and dynamics.

Ladies of middle age with a similarhairdresses instantly rejuvenate visually. The type of haircut "graded square" is most optimal for women with curly hair, because the result is a remarkable volume.

square with a short bangs

Chalk and parting change appearance

Kare with bun is the most popular,especially if it's a haircut "bob". Such a haircut requires unless the correct choice of the length of the front strands. The image can be made more interesting and original with the help of oblique or zigzag pattern. Kare with a short fringe is a fashionable and bold decision, draws attention to the eyebrows, reveals the face.

You can make a direct parting or do without itat all. In the hairdressing magazines are constantly placed photographs and descriptions of new options, performed in a variety of season-relevant trends.

Kare with a short fringe is an excellent solution forwishing to hide the flaws of the person, and his options may be completely different. In this there is some contradiction, since with such a hairstyle a man looks more open. Straight and curly hair is suitable for haircutting, but it should be borne in mind that part of them forms a bang, and this should not significantly affect the density of the entire hairdo. Very good looking correct lines for thick and smooth strands, as well as slight negligence of the curls.

Short squint with oblique bangs - the perfect optionfor the face of a round or oval shape. Women with this haircut acquire just perfect features. But the straight fringe saves the owner of a triangular and square type of face.

short square with bangs

Stack value

For a modern woman who needslook always excellent and put yourself in order for a minimum of time, styling is essential. If the hair was done by a professional, a short square with a bang gets an excellent shape just after drying with a hair dryer.

Ways to style hair:

  1. Express version of the styling: dried curls should be wound on curlers, and then dry with a jet of warm air.
  2. A simple method is to beat the fingers of dried and combed strands with gel, previously applied to them. To fix the styling, you can use a hair spray.
  3. A quick way is to have the gel-smeared hair comb back, blowing them with a stream of hot air.
  4. The hairdo for the evening requires the use of curlers, which are removed after the drying of the strands. Obtained curls need to be combed without fingers with the use of gel, and then sprinkle with varnish.

Undoubted advantage of the hairstyle "short cheekswith bangs "consists in the fact that one and the same haircut can be laid in different ways and constantly changing the image. Looking business woman in the afternoon and an effective lady in the evening with a similar hairstyle is not difficult. It is enough to make the right packing, with which you can give the image an officiality, festivity and elegance.

short bean with short bangs

How did the haircut "Bob"

Bob is a square with long strands in front and short-cropped hairs on the back of the head. This image creates an impression of extravagance and sense of style.

With the appearance of the haircut "Bob" is associated with the case: a young, but already known Coco Chanel dried over the gas long curls and accidentally burned them. As a result, she was forced to make a short haircut.

There is another story that tells thatlong hair was cut off by the famous dancer Irene Castle because of the inconvenience on stage. Coco Chanel, as well as actresses Brooks and Bowe appreciated the idea and instantly adopted the image.

Versions are united by one common idea of ​​the emancipation of French women, followed by the liberation of women from other countries. Over the varieties of hair worked well-known hairdresser Vidal Sassoon.

short square with oblique bangs


Bob-kar - this is an analog of the haircut "bob" on the hair of medium length or short. Great looks Bob-kara with a short bangs. The length of hair for a hairstyle can be very short (from the ears), to the middle of the neck.

Classic hairstyle, assuming evencontours, goes to the owners of straight and thick hair. And the face oval should be close to the ideal, as this option emphasizes imperfections. The hair of a free form and a softer contour is more common, as it is suitable for any type of hair: thick, straight, thin, hard, soft.

Creative variant with strongly elongated lateralstrands is preferable for lovers of various ways of laying: in the image of a business lady for elongated smooth hair and a careless option. Asymmetric haircut requires smooth well-groomed hair, looks graphically and fashionably, especially with even bun. If you make the edges torn, then the hair becomes playful.

It is very important to consult a good specialist,because even with a slight negligence instantly lost sight. And the choice is easy to make, having got acquainted with fashion magazines, and also having defined with prospective image.

Graduated square

For this type of hairstyle is characteristic cuttingstrands of "ladder", diluting even lines and giving the appearance a more feminine look. Thanks to the haircut, the hair gets puffy and thick, the hair looks bulky. At the same time, the appearance is perfectly corrected: the coarse and large features soften, the face becomes younger, tender and attractive, and the flaws are hidden.

short graduated square with bangs

Graduation of length allows you to update the boredimage, cardinally changing the hair. Age limitations of this appearance does not imply, and on hair of any structure, length, color looks particularly and beautifully. Extended front strands give a mysterious image, stretch the facial features, and also soften the lines of the haircut itself.

Hair can be made with bangs, which often gives the image a special chic. A lot of public figures prefer to periodically do quads, slightly improving it in accordance with the fashion.