Bruises are received by children and adults, men andwomen. Women are most interested in the question of how to remove the bruise as quickly and efficiently as possible. They have more tender skin and more thin and permeable vessels due to female sex hormones. The bruise is unpleasant with its appearance, edema and pain in the area of injury.
During the injury, the walls of the vessels are destroyed, andblood pours out under the skin. Appears blue-violet spot, which eventually changes its color to yellow-green. There is an increase in edema and pain, which gradually decreases with each passing day.
Degradation of the hematoma at various sites of the bodyoccurs unequally. Bruises with leg injuries persist for up to a month, on the body and hands - up to two weeks, and on the face dissolve in a week. It is important that the venous blood moves from the bottom up, that the subcutaneous tissue of the lower extremities is more pronounced and has more blood vessels.
To quickly remove the bruise on the face and body, there are several ways:
- cold treatment.It is best in the first minute with a trauma to attach a cold object to the site of the injury. This can be any package from the refrigerator wrapped in a towel, ice or a bottle of cold water, applied through a napkin to the body of a person. It is desirable to lift the leg, and the face and hand can be cooled under a stream of cold water. The duration of exposure to cold should not exceed 15 minutes, so as not to provoke hypothermia or frostbite. The earlier the cold is applied, the less pronounced will be the size of the bruise, swelling and pain;
- heat treatment.In a day it is useful to apply to the bruises a warm but not hot hot water bottle, bags with heated salt, moist compresses with a solution of vinegar for half an hour three times a day. This will help the formation of new cells in the vascular walls, improve nutrition of the damaged area and resorption of subcutaneous hemorrhage. At night, it is very useful to make an iodine grid that will warm, reduce inflammation, withdraw the products of decay and improve blood flow;
- in the pharmacy is always prompted how to quickly removea bruise with the help of special ointments and gels (balm "Rescuer", gel "Bruise-off", balm-cream "SOS", cream with sponge). Only these gels and creams should be used every two hours to get a good effect;
- folk remedies can be applied from the first minutesto reduce bruising, to relieve severe pain and reduce swelling. Compresses from grated onions (1 onion) and salt (1 tbsp.) In a gauze bag contribute to the rapid healing of the hematoma.
Leaves of fresh cabbage and plantain, which must be knocked off with a kitchen hammer to get juice from plants, in the form of compresses are applied for an hour on the area of the hematoma.
Herbal compresses from ledum (1 tsp.), mother-and-stepmother (1/2 tbsp.) and a glass of boiling water, in a hot form used on the ground injuries, until fully cooled. A positive effect is provided by hot lotions made of Artemisia (3 tablespoons), St. John's wort (2 tablespoons) and hops (1 tablespoon). To do this, several spoons of a mixture of herbs insist on 0.5 liters of boiling water, filter, moisten the napkins and hot linen cloth is applied to the places of bruises.
It is useful for every woman to know how quickly to cleana bruise in the face. Black circles under the eyes, bruises in the area of cheekbones can be made barely noticeable if you wet the tissue in a solution of 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, 4 drops of iodine and 2 tsp. salt. Within two days, the hematoma dissolves and becomes less noticeable. Just be careful to avoid getting the solution into the eyes. And you can use a hot wet sack with flax seeds.
For the night it is necessary to make compresses of juice and beet pulp with honey. Only need to put a cabbage leaf on top and bandage. A noticeable effect comes after several procedures.
Small bruises and bruises are treated with fresh cottage cheese, starch or leaves of geranium.
The doctor will always help to choose the right medicine in the hospital and will tell you how quickly to remove the bruise at home, if the injury is not serious.
In case of injury, consultation is mandatorytraumatologist, if in addition to the bruises of the patient, severe pain and immobility in the joint disturb. To exclude a fracture, it is urgent to take an X-ray. Bruises that appear after surgery or for no particular reason also require a close medical examination.
It is equally important to know, not only how quickly to removea bruise, but also that it is necessary to make, that hematomas in the future less attracted attention of associates. How to carry out prevention? To reduce the fragility of blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of vitamins C and K.
To do this, you can apply the cream, which contains these vitamins, eat fruits and vegetables, use multivitamins in tablets. And do not forget to drink while drinking a lot of fluids.