/ / Makeup in pink for all types of appearance

Make-up in pink for all types of appearance

In 2017, the most popularmakeup in pink. This type of make-up is very refreshing, which made it so popular. This article will help you find the right makeup for your appearance.

Who is suitable makeup in pink

Many girls are sure that this type of make-up is notIt will be beneficial to be combined with their appearance. However, this statement is misleading. Pink makeup is considered universal, that is, it fits any style of clothing, as well as all the colors of the eyes and hair. Of course, for representatives of all types of appearance there are tips for applying make-up.

pink makeup

Makeup Varieties

One of the most popular types of makeup in pinktones is a monochrome make up. For its application are used shades, rouge and gloss of one shade. It is believed that monochrome makeup is very refreshing and rejuvenates the skin.

makeup in pink photo

Makeup is considered a no less interesting type whenother colors add to the pink tone. For example, gray, black, lilac, peach, brown. Also often use contrasting with pink colors, such as green and blue.

Eye makeup

Makeup for brown eyes in pink willlook the most profitable if you use shades with warm shades of pink. Best pink-orange fit pink. Owners of green eyes should also heed this advice. Also, representatives of this type of appearance fit the shade of pink with a yellowish tinge.

makeup for brown eyes in pink

Girls with blue and gray eyes are betterJust use cool shades of pink. Bright pink shades will look just as good, however often this shade may look vulgar. If you think that the makeup turned out too defiant, you can apply a thin layer of peach shadows over the pink one, it will make your eyes less catchy. Blue-eyed is also well suited gentle makeup in pink.

The right makeup for hair color

It is believed that dark-haired girls are the easiestpick up makeup. This statement applies to makeup in pink. For brunettes well suited to a translucent pink shine. Blush and shade should be warm colors. Do not use a lipstick of pure pink color, she is very old brunettes. If you want to look as bright as possible, you can use red lipstick, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will look vulgar. Brown women should also apply a more romantic makeup. Try combining pink with beige. Blush should be low-key, but preferably pearl.

pink makeup for brunettes

Believed to be blonde and blondemost suitable makeup in pink. Photos of girls of this type of appearance are incredibly gentle, which no brunette can achieve. In order not to look too glamorous, choose shades, rouge and lipstick in inconspicuous tones. It will also be very interesting to look like make-up, if you apply it slightly casually.

Owners of red hair can also try to apply makeup in pink. Best of all, representatives of this type of appearance fit pastel shades of pink with a peach shade.

The main mistakes when applying makeup

Pink makeup, despite all its benefits, can look bad if applied incorrectly. Usually girls make the same mistakes, so now they are easy to fix.

pink makeup

The main problem when applying makeup in pinkcolor is considered the "tired eyes effect". The fact is that girls often emphasize the lower eyelid with pink shadows, and in the end it may seem that she is allergic or she is very tired. This problem can be easily solved. First of all, draw thin arrows. Highlight the corners of the eyes with white shadows, and also draw the inner side of the eyelid with a white pencil. If you have really tired eyes, buy special drops to remove inflammation. It is desirable that they have a whitening effect.

Pink color is very demanding on the tone of the face.It highlights all the flaws, so before applying makeup, take care of your skin. Align the tone and make it matte. Pay a lot of attention to the color of the foundation and powder, so that it does not contrast with the natural complexion. Also, pay attention to the lipstick tone. Very often, bright pink can emphasize the yellowness of the teeth, while the other tones of this color will make your teeth whiter.

Some tips for good makeup

As mentioned above, makeup in pinktones require a perfectly even color. Apply foundation cream to face, eyelids, neck and décolleté area, which will be opened. From above apply matte powder that the face did not seem fat. Periodically correct the tone, if necessary.

gentle makeup in pink

In order to preserve lipstick better, first circle the lips with a pencil, the color of which is a tone darker than lipstick. Then apply a thin layer of lipstick and powder it, then re-paint your lips.

To make your eyes look as expressive as possible, lead the eyebrow line, but do not overdo it, otherwise the make-up will look inharmonious.

Do not use a very bright blush. It is enough to apply a thin layer of delicate color to rejuvenate the skin.

If you want to soften the pink color, beforeapply eye shadow with a white pencil. Do not forget to also highlight the corners of the eyes white and the skin under the eyebrows. This will make the look wider, and the eyes visually larger.

It will be interesting to look like if you apply the lightest pink shadows under your eyebrow, and closer to the century to make the tone richer.