Beauty of hair at home

Daily hair care - a pledge of theirbeautiful view. Beauty of hair gives confidence in their own strength. Constant stresses, improper nutrition, polluting emissions do not add health to ringlets.

beauty of hair
To give healthy shine curls, you canconstantly go to a beauty salon and spend a decent amount of money, but you can just follow simple recommendations and apply natural products for the manufacture of therapeutic masks. Believe me, the beauty of hair at home does not take you much time.

Hair care includes four items: cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, protection.

Cleansing. Wash your head as you get warmwater. Soft massaging movements, evenly distributing shampoo, best cleanse the scalp. The beauty and health of hair is supported by the right shampoo. After washing, rinse your head with herbal infusion of chamomile, St. John's wort or nettle (1.5 tablespoons per 1 glass of water). If you add a few spoons of mineral water to this infusion, then the beauty of your hair is assured. Dry hair is better in the air, the use of a hair dryer harms hair bulbs.

beauty and health of hair
Food. It is very important to start reviewing your diet:Exclude fatty, spicy, salty foods, fast food. It is necessary to eat only natural and healthy food, so that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Then the hair will receive all these useful substances, it is on them that the beauty and health of the hair is based. Also to activate the hair bulbs, you need to do a head massage, choosing a comb made of wood or natural bristles. And, of course, it is necessary at least once a week to make nutritional masks at home. It can be a mask based on vegetable oils or eggs.

Humidification. Now there are many moisturizers:balms, conditioners, gels, mousses. It is worthwhile to look at them more closely and choose the most suitable ones. Beauty of hair requires constant care. People's recipes for moisturizing hair will help. For example, a mask of watermelon gruel.

Protection. Special mousses and gels protect against UV radiation, so their use is recommended. After the shampoo, apply the conditioner: it not only nourishes the hair, but also protects them from harmful effects.

beauty hair at home
To improve the condition of the hair once a month,It is necessary to wash with a mixture of one egg and warm water. The beauty of hair at home is also healthy roots, which can be strengthened with kefir, koumiss or curdled milk. Sour milk drink should be rubbed into the scalp, wrap the hair in a plastic bag, after half an hour, rinse with water with one teaspoon of mustard, which will repel a specific smell.

Beauty of hair implies aesthetica styling that can also be made at home. Of course, it is convenient to use new modern tools and devices. But it is worth remembering that any thermal styling is a stress for the hair. Therefore, the hair straightener should be selected with the ionization function and ceramic coating, when using a hairdryer, use thermal protection means that protect the hair from the negative effects of high temperatures. Let your hair rest periodically, constantly nourish and moisturize them, so you will preserve their beauty and health.