/ / Botox: reviews, descriptions and recommendations

Botox: reviews, description and recommendation

At all times, women tend to remainbeautiful, young and desirable. However, if it is very easy to look good in youth, over time, it takes some effort to shine and shine the skin. Of course, there are a lot of different masks, peelings, creams, lotions and other preparations, which, as their producers assure us, will rejuvenate the skin for twenty years in a month. Agree, they are cunning. No, it is possible to maintain the skin in tone and improve its appearance with the help of cosmetics. However, finally restore the former beauty and youth of the cream and mask can not. Therefore, girls, women and even many men direct their eyes towards other procedures. However, some people decide to resort immediately to radical measures to restore youthful skin - to the services of plastic surgeons. However, many doctors recommend that first try less dangerous and less expensive procedures. One of them is the drug "Botox". Feedback about this procedure is different. Some are enthusiastic about the effect. Others do not like the feeling of a "frozen" face. And still others are dissatisfied with the price. How to determine who is suitable for Botox? Reviews about which clinics to take seriously and how to warn yourself against harmful consequences? Let's figure it out.

botox reviews

What is Botox?

Every day the muscles of our face perform orderfifteen thousand different movements. The result of their hard work is the appearance of facial wrinkles near the lips, on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and the eyes. To get rid of the so-called "crow's feet" does not help even expensive and high-quality cosmetics. It is then that the gaze of people confronted with this problem is directed towards other means of combating wrinkles. The most common are injections of Botox. They are also called biopolymer substances injected under the skin.

From the point of view of professional medicalslang is a drug, the basis of which is a purified and lightened neurotoxin of botulism. The nature of its occurrence is protein. It is produced by special bacteria. This substance is also called "Botulinum toxin". There are several kinds of this matter. Modern "Botox" from wrinkles is a neurotoxin of botulinum type A.

Botox injections

History of creation

Currently, "Botox" is loved and respectedby many people. Its main goal now is to fight wrinkles and return the skin to youth and beauty. However, in the process of its creation, scientists did not have a cosmetic goal. Quite the contrary. Scientists sought to make "Botox" a formidable biological weapon. Neurotoxin, which is part of the substance, is the strongest organic poison. During the Second World War, scientists conducted a huge amount of research on this organic matter. It was thanks to these experiments that specialists were able to isolate a new substance from the neurotoxin. In laboratory conditions, with the purification and weakening of the properties of the experimental material, the preparation "Botulinotoxin" of the crystalline form of type A was obtained. The first successful experiment of using the Botox injection was the American Alan Scott. Ophthalmologist by profession, he in the 70 years of the 20th century for the first time applied a tiny dose of "Botox" in order to treat the involuntary contraction of the circular eye muscle - blepharospasm.

After a while, anotherproperty that has "Botox". The doctors 'comments say one thing: the purified toxin has a rather long effect of correcting facial wrinkles on the patients' faces. This was a great breakthrough in cosmetology. The very first drug, which was based on the "Botulinum toxin" type A, and was a modern "Botox". Eyes, forehead, area near the lips - now doctors can easily return the skin of patients to youth and beauty.

What is the action of the substance?When this drug is injected under the skin, a purified and weakened neurotoxin blocks neurons that are responsible for contracting the facial muscles. Those, in turn, do not receive the usual signals and relax. This leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.

contraindications botox

Popularity is gaining momentum

At present, four drugs with the "Botox" effect have spread on the territory of Russia:

  1. "Disport" - the manufacturer of this substance is the French company "Ipsen";
  2. "Xeomin" - a drug produced by the German factory of medical products "Merz";
  3. Lantox is a Chinese analog;
  4. Botox is the pioneer in this directioncosmetology. This substance is the "brainchild" of the American concern "Allegran". Almost all the procedures described in the CIS, even with the use of substances from various companies, are called "Botox".

It was the last drug that gave usthe opportunity to stay young and beautiful for a long time. It should be noted that initially this substance was distributed exclusively at secular receptions. The famous Hollywood dermatologist, Dr. Frederick Brandt, arranged so-called botox parties. There the popular representatives of the fair sex could try a miraculous injection. Gradually, women could not imagine their existence without a drug called "Botox." Comments on the magical injection passed from mouth to mouth. The beauties of Hollywood quickly got used to the fact that with just a few nyxes their skin becomes younger for several decades. The desire to remain beautiful always generated a huge demand for the drug. At that time, the only producer of it was the concern Allegrane. It was he who got the first "golden rain" from the sale of "Botox".

The emergence of competitors

A new era in cosmetologyBotox. Eyebrows and folds between them, only appearing and already deep "crow's feet" were no longer a problem. Now the ladies of the whole world have found an easy solution. Feeling the entire profitability of the release of such a drug, other firms soon came to the market. As the main rival of the American concern the French company "Ipsen" has acted. They launched into production, and then on the market, a drug called "Disport". Absolutely similar in its properties to American remedy, this substance began to conquer the European market. The confrontation of medical giants brought significant benefits to consumers. First, some price reduction. Where there is competition, there is a struggle in value. Secondly, these are often updated designs and improved formulas. Gradually, the German corporation "Merz" joined the two giants. Its drug called "Xeomin" has become popular due to its excellent properties and minimal diffusion. Of course, as in any other field of activity, the Chinese have also contributed here. Their drug, called Lantox, came to the market a little later than competitive products.

botox face reviews

Does age matter?

The main direction of application of substances,containing botulinum toxin, is cosmetology. However, there are several other medical areas where these drugs are also involved. For example, in dentistry, "Botox" is used in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the jaw joint. The great importance of purified neurotoxins play in the fight against high sweating. The offices of ophthalmologists and ENT also apply the described drugs for the treatment of a variety of diseases. It should be noted that Botox injections are also used in proctology. People suffering from constant headaches are often saved by the described drugs. Substances containing a neurotoxin, have made a huge contribution to the fight against infantile cerebral palsy. That's why among people who inject themselves with Botox, you can meet representatives of all age categories.

Early wrinkles and age problems

It is proved that some wrinkles appear in thepeople regardless of age. A person, accustomed to express their emotions, can become the owner of early "crow's feet" or wrinkles over the bridge of the nose. The habit of squinting, twisting and parody also "help" to acquire early wrinkles. Therefore, sometimes girls (and even boys) resort to a procedure called "Botox face". Reviews about these injections are different. Everything depends on the drug used, its concentration, the doctor, its methods, contraindications and the age of the patient. You can always smooth out the relief of the skin. Only after the fifth decade will the effect not be very significant. In this case, the question arises: "What is better" Botox "? A patient who has crossed the 50-year boundary, experts often suggest lifting using surgical intervention, and only then to fix the result -" Botox ".

Who injects?

It should be noted that onlya certified specialist doctor, and not just a beautician, can professionally conduct a procedure called "Botox Facial". Feedback from other clients who have already used the services of a clinic, will help you choose the most suitable institution for the implementation of the planned operation. There are cases when master masters injected the drug, departing from the correct technique. The result of such procedures are lowered eyebrows, "wax mask" and other complications. Therefore, do not rush to stop your choice on the first institution that got there. Review as many options as possible and give your preference to the most experienced specialist.

How is this procedure carried out?

All injections of "Botulinum toxin" are carried outoutpatient. At the consultation, before the procedure the doctor determines the "problem zone". If the site is quite extensive, then on the skin of the person are pre-marked. Then they are injected with the drug "Dysport", "Xeomin" or "Botox." In this case, the substance is injected either subcutaneously, or intradermally, or intramuscularly. This is due to the site of the procedure. The success of such an operation depends primarily on the strict and correct dosage of "Botulinum toxin". Do not forget that this substance by nature of its origin is poison. Therefore, a disproportionate calculation of the amount of the drug administered can adversely affect not only the beauty of the final result, but also the health of the patient as a whole.

Do not underestimate the individual characteristics of the human body. Each patient has a sensitivity to Botox.

How quickly is the injection operation performed?

The average duration of the procedure- one hour. This includes preliminary consultation, removal of make-up (if any), disinfection and cleaning the face, marking the area of ​​the injections, and at the very end - the direct introduction of the substance. The last action takes from five to twenty minutes depending on the selected site.

At the request of the client anesthesia is also provided.It is performed by application: a special cream is applied to the skin of the face. However, in most cases, with an injection of "Botulinum toxin", the analgesic is not applied.

When should not the procedure be carried out?

Virtually every intervention in the bodyman has its contraindications. Botox has proven itself in cosmetology and medicine. However, he also has his own, albeit small, "prohibiting list." It is noteworthy that all contraindications can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first include those diseases with which a person can not do "Botox" in any way. This includes hemophilia (weak coagulability of the blood). This disease is also called the "disease of kings". Whether you are a monarch or not, but if you are a carrier of this disease, you will be refused any surgical operations, including injections of Botox. Another disease attributable to this group is Willebrand disease. This ailment is characterized by the appearance of spontaneous unexpected bleeding. The second name of the disease is angiogemophilia.

Botox at home reviews
The injection of "Botulinum toxin" is strictly prohibited in cases of myasthenia gravis. This ailment is characterized by rapid fatigue of the muscles and their general weakness.

In addition to these, there are also othercontraindications. "Botox", "Dysport", "Xeomin" is not recommended to be administered under the skin, if you are a nursing mother or are pregnant. In addition, the procedure can not be performed during menstruation.

As already mentioned above, Botox sometimesis an addition to plastic surgery. However, people do not advise injecting immediately after the intervention. Doctors recommend waiting until the edema subsides and blood circulation normalizes. On average, this period takes thirty days.

And of course, one of the main contraindications for the procedure is the presence of an allergy to "Botulinum toxin".

One day before the visit to the cosmetology roomit is necessary to abandon the use of aspirin, tetracycline medicines (a group of antibiotics), hypnotics, antidepressants and some other medications.


Currently, many seek to doBotox at home. The feedback of people who successfully implemented this idea should not lead you astray. It would seem that the difficult thing is to make a few jabs. And money can be saved. So many people think wrongly. However, like any other procedure, injections of "Botulinum toxin" can cause complications. Even if you do not have any contraindications. A professional doctor is not immune from mistakes. What can we say about amateurs.

One of the popular procedures is Botox inbetween the eyebrows. Reviews of the miraculous disposal of folds in this area can induce too independent individuals to run to a pharmacy for "Disport" or another drug and syringes. Anticipating the prospect of quickly becoming young and beautiful, ladies can face terrible consequences. Face asymmetry, eyelid swelling, lowered eyebrows, "fallen" corners of the eyes and many other complications can result from this kind of activity at home.

Botox against wrinkles

In addition, some problems may ariseconsequence and individual intolerance of the drug. Whether you are allergic to "Botulinum toxin" or not, you can definitely tell only the doctor after special tests. Any procedure must be carried out by a professional. As Krylov said - "it's a disaster if the cobbler begins to cook the pies ..." So let's trust those who are really as professionals in their profession.

Side effects

When we acquire this or that medicalmeans, with it, as a rule, in the complete set there is an instruction. In it, a large list describes possible side effects. So with the procedure of injections of "Botulinum toxin". The appearance of painful sensations, edema and temporary muscle weakness is possible even in the healthiest patient. In this case, side effects can occur both in individual zones of drug administration, and throughout the face area.

What are the problems and where can arise when the drugs "Dysport", "Xeomin" and "Botox" are introduced:

- "Goose paws".Feedback from some patients can be taken as a warning. Be careful if you have a sensitivity to injections or an allergy to the drug. This is fraught with the appearance of edema and even bruising. If you painfully endure procedures with injections, ask to first anoint the area of ​​injection with a solution of "Lidocaine" or other analgesic substance.

- Folds between the eyebrows. When this procedure is performed, headaches may occur. In no case should you rub the place, which is the focus of an unpleasant sensation.

- Nasolabial folds. With the introduction of Botox into this area, sometimes the immobility of the upper lip occurs.

Effect of rejuvenation

Do not expect that injected under the skin orintramuscular injection immediately "take away" ten years. Although it happens and this. It all depends on the structure of the body. The effect of injections of Botox persists from six months to nine months. After 150 days, you can see that the most mobile muscles slowly "come back to life." Their complete recovery is observed on average after 7 months. In order to look young and beautiful always, it is necessary to maintain the effect and undergo in-stitutional procedures two or three times a year. The positive point is that the preparations containing "Botulinum toxin" are not addictive. Therefore, it is not necessary to increase the dose to be administered. If the injections of Botox are combined with other cosmetic procedures, you can achieve an amazing result in the struggle for your youth and beauty.

Creams and masks after injections

It should be noted that, after passing this procedure,you can and should continue to care for the skin. Be sure to use a variety of creams, masks, serums. However, for a while after the injections, thermal procedures should be postponed. For several days you can not luxuriate in a hot tub, visit a solarium, sauna. It is forbidden to sunbathe. It is advisable to exclude alcohol and spicy foods from your diet. Violation of at least one of these points can cause neutralization of the effect of the procedure.

what is better than botox

It is likely that excessive infatuation with injections"Botulinum toxin" will adversely affect the beauty of your face, turning it into a "wax mask", devoid of emotions. Professionals advise to implement procedures for the introduction of drugs in the zones. First, the forehead region is cut off. After a while, inject the substance into the folds between the nose and lips. And so on. Specialists recommend sometimes leaving characteristic folds - "sparkles", which give the person a special charm and charm.

Thai cream with snake venom

The most common procedure forgo as the fair sex, and men - it's "Botox" around the eyes. Reviews about this operation are different: those who took advantage of the services of professional masters are satisfied. Some complain about the purchase of an unwanted "smile" in the eye area. Others begin to look for differences between drugs and try to find a cheaper analogue.

Thai masters of traditional medicine offertheir options in the fight against wrinkles. If a few years ago, all tourists polls bought all over the Internet collagen masks and creams made by smiling Thai people, now a series of snake mixtures has come. On the outskirts of Bangkok there is a factory where they cultivate and study reptiles. Scientists have found that the venom of some snakes has a beneficial effect on the skin. It is the toxic secretions of the royal cobra that became the basis for the creation of a novelty of cosmetology, which is now known as "Cream Botox from Thailand". Reviews about this product are few, but they also please with their positive. Of course, completely remove wrinkles and tighten the skin this tool can not. But to level the complexion and slightly adjust the wrinkles - this is exactly for him!