Как говорят многие специалисты по имиджу, порядок in the hair - it's order in thoughts. Even if there is not enough time for anything, at least once a month it is very important to adjust your hair. Therefore, it is useful for both women and men to know where there are good hairdressers in Kostroma. We will tell you about several beauty salons belonging to different price categories. Each of them has its own merits.

The word "hairdresser" today is alreadyalmost obsolete. Now we are increasingly talking about "beauty salons." In them it is possible to receive simultaneously services of stylists, masters of manicure, cosmeticians, masseurs. Such a change of preferences is not at all surprising: taking care of appearance, we simultaneously want to relax and recharge ourselves in a good mood.
Многим жительницам города знакомо название "Chantal." This is a very popular hair salon. Kostroma is famous for young women, loving and able to care for themselves. What is so attractive to the clients of the salon "Chantal"? The fact that, in addition to traditional services, this institution offers interesting methods of weight reduction. The expression "caring for yourself" in the salon "Chantal" acquires the meaning of "caring for the whole body, taking care of health." There is a zone of cardiovascular equipment, which you can use at any convenient time. A professional fitness instructor will recommend the optimal level of workload. There are shower rooms for clients. The salon is equipped with apparatus for correcting the figure. In "Chantal" you can use the services of massage therapists, bask in the infrared cabin, refresh the skin color in the turbosolarium.
So, visiting the salon, any lady can safelyTell friends that she spent the weekend on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. No one will guess that the fairytale resort is located at: Ave. Tekstilshchikov, 9/18.
Что касается непосредственно парикмахерских services, they are presented in the salon "Chantal" in a wide range. In addition to haircuts, various therapeutic and restorative procedures are offered here: masks, laminating, screening, kerating.
У жительниц Костромы «Шанталь» ассоциируется с holidays. Many clients come here for evening and wedding hairstyles. Services of the cabin do not hit hard on the pocket. Cost of a hairstyle on average hair makes from 600 rbl. for women.
Cozy and exquisite
What else is guaranteed goodhairdressing salons in Kostroma? The Butterfly salon looks very tempting from the street. And not in vain. The very atmosphere of the hairdressing salon has to relax and relax. Here special attention is paid to the quality of service. Cost of haircuts is more expensive than in "Chantal": from 1100 rubles. - for women, from 650 rubles. - for men. But "Butterfly" offers very rare and effective hair care procedures. Here, customers can try, for example, hair restoration technology for 1 time N-GRAVITY plus. We can not ignore the diverse menu of spa programs for healthy scalp and the "Hollywood" straightening of strands. In other words, in the "Butterfly" salon you can give a second life to even quite dull and "worn out" hair.

The interior of the interior is something like a cafe.In "Butterfly" and want to sit with a cup of tea. In this whim, clients are not denied. The stylish interior of the salon emphasizes its elitism. Here you will spend more on hair than in many other hairdressing salons, but get real pleasure. In "Butterfly" any lady can feel like a beautiful princess or fairy. The situation itself has to be flirtatious, playful, tender. Strict businesswomen rest here with their soul. Address of the salon: st. The Soviet, 117.
What other salons can boast Mr.Kostroma? Hairdressers are very creative here. So you can say, for example, about the salon "Aphrodite". Many young women go here with their girlfriends, sisters, mothers and are not disappointed. Reviews about this hairdresser are only positive. Here you can not just cut your hair, but also include your fantasy by 100%. Masters of the salon are able to realize any whim, associated with hair. "Aphrodite" offers services for creative coloring, highlighting, hair extensions and eyelashes. In the hairdresser salon there are masters who can do hairstyles of high complexity, including elements with complex weaving.
Здесь же вам могут сделать перманентный макияж и massage with a vacuum device. Aphrodite herself, perhaps, would have been delighted to see what institution was named in her honor. The salon offices work at two addresses: Mira Ave., 71; Workers' Ave, 34.

There are very affordable prices for hairdressersin Kostroma. In their list, the professional studio occupies a prominent place. The cost of women's haircuts - from 600 rubles., Men's or children's - from 300 rubles. "Menu" is short: haircuts, hairstyles, hair removal. Address of the salon: Mira Avenue, 18.
Known in Kostroma is also the salon"Mulatto". Haircuts here are very inexpensive - from 300 rubles. Low cost to many clients seems suspicious. However, the name of the salon well "explains" why you need to visit it, of course, for the sake of sunburn. In the "Mulatto" is an excellent solarium. Any hairstyle looks chic in combination with a smooth skin of a chocolate shade.
From budgetary options one can also mentionbeauty salon "Spring" on Novopolyanskaya, 5. Cost of haircut - from 300 to 700 rubles. The set of services is the simplest: hairstyles and manicure, - all the most necessary and popular, but without any frills.
Now you know what good hairdressing salons are in Kostroma. Having become acquainted with the names and addresses, it is much easier to choose a salon that matches the mood, taste and wallet.