/ / Sauna and signal - what is it?

Sauna and signal - what is it?

Sauna or signal - what is it?First, it's the same thing. Secondly, if you still do not know, then it's time to make up for this missing cultural layer in your education. Photo with Signals - today is a trendy phenomenon in many social networks. It looks, as a rule, like this: on an attractive female body, a man's name or nickname is written. The most important thing is that this name should not exactly belong to the owner of luxurious forms. It should also be noted that this signal must be written by hand, and in no case can be added to the photo with the help of such graphical editors as Paint or "Photoshop".

sign what it is

What does the signal signify? What is it like to "make a sign"?

The very word "signal" is of English origin:"Sign" in translation means "mark", "sign", "imprint". The girl's name can be written on any part of the body - hands, palms, fingers, neck, abdomen, legs, back and hips, but the most sexy looks is a signal on the chest or buttocks. There are also possible options when the name is simply written on paper, attached to clothes or held in hands and photographed in such a way that the inscription must have got into the frame. Then the masterpiece is sent to the one to whom it was dedicated. As a rule, the signals on the body of the girls are made for close friends and admirers, but for many young and enterprising beauties this harmless entertainment has become an additional income item. Girls draw any other person's name on their bodies in exchange for voices, so to speak, the domestic currency of social networks such as Facebook or Facebook. In this case, the most candid photos that reveal intimate parts of the body are always paid more expensively. In turn, for the customer signals are a kind of advertising, a kind of PR. After all, the photos of beautiful young ladies, dressed only in his name, collected on his page, will certainly draw the attention of thousands of users, friends and friends, not only his personal but also young beauty, which will automatically raise the status and self-esteem of the young man.

chest signal
There are simply collectors.For someone, this hobby may seem strange, although in fact it is no worse than any other, of course, only if it does not have any pornographic subtext.

Business Thinness in Social Networks

Like any other business, especially whenthe condition of possible anonymity of the model, the transactions on buying and selling signals are very susceptible to all kinds of fraud, both on one and the other side. A girl can take money ahead and not give a sign, closing access to her page, and the client - get a picture and not pay. Therefore, it is more reasonable to use a compromise payment scheme in such cases: the customer makes an advance payment of 50% of the agreed amount, the model sends a snapshot of poor quality, the customer pays the rest of the money and then receives a quality version of the signal.

Why else need a signal?

Signs on the body of girls

What is it, when the avatar is cutea young blonde, and behind the monitor a well-fed beer and popcorn lover - probably everyone knows. Therefore, here the signal will help you to make sure that the person who is responsible for the person being advertised is sitting behind the declared person. Especially valuable in these cases are video signals in which a girl can directly tell the camera the information known only to the interlocutors. If a young lady suddenly wants to show her beloved boyfriend her sympathy and do it in some original way, then a signal can come to help. What is it, when on your beautiful female body your name is flaunted, you do not need to explain to the guys - it's damn nice! Absolutely none will remain indifferent. In fact, today Signos are becoming more popular, the photos are becoming more beautiful and better, using expensive cameras, highlighting and interesting artistic inscription. Who knows, maybe, thanks to the signals, the art of body art will open a new creative direction for itself?