/ / Tint hair shampoos: reviews, review

Shampoos for hair: reviews, review

Since tinted shampoos do not containoxidants and ammonia, you can use them completely safely. Unlike paints, these tools do not penetrate deep into the hair, and therefore do not corrode them, and also do not dry. In a certain way, these tools may even be useful. The film created by them protects the hair from exposure to UV rays and wind.

Features of use

Of course, drastically change hair color withusing tinted shampoo is impossible. This cosmetic is used only to adjust an existing natural or artificial color. Apply such shading hair shampoos (whose palette can be very diverse) is about the same as paint:

  • Hands wear plastic or rubber gloves.
  • Hair is slightly moistened with water.
  • A small amount of funds squeezed out of the tube.
  • Next, it is applied to the head and massagedDistribute in circular motions gently and evenly along the hair in such a way that there are no untreated places. Particular attention should be paid to the tips. You can finally comb your hair with a frequent comb.
  • Having covered the head with a cap, the agent is kept for 5-7 minutes and then washed off with water.

If you want to get a richer shade,shampoo should be left on the hair for 25-30 minutes. In that case, if the color is still not as saturated as we would like, the procedure can be repeated.

tinted hair shampoos reviews

What means to buy

Tint hair shampoos, color palettewhich is very, very diverse, should be chosen correctly. For blondes or blond women more suitable light means. With white hair, for example, you can remove yellowness with white hair, and make blond hair more expressive.

Brunettes and brown-haired women can afford to applyshampoo absolutely any color. Dark and red locks, painted by the “tone to tone” method, look very nice. Light tinted shampoo will give such hair a golden shade. When using red or copper means strands will get a more effective, expressive appearance.

Of course, when choosing a tinted shampooBe sure to pay attention to the manufacturer. The most popular are the shampoos of such brands as "L'Oreal", "Schwarzkopf", "Kapus" and "Rokolor". Next, we consider what advantages all these species differ in and what disadvantages they have.

Means "L'Oreal"

This manufacturer produces shampoos forblondes and brunettes. The main advantage of this brand is a rich color shade. It can be cherry, copper, chocolate, golden, ashy, etc. Tonal shampoos for L'Oreal hair, whose palette is very diverse, can be used both for dyeing hair, and for neutralizing oxide residues and accelerating growth. Also, the tools of this brand give the hair shine and restore their structure.

Tinted hair shampoos Loreal palette

The composition of this shampoo includes standard washingand coloring ingredients. The only expensive component is Cocamid Mipa, used as a thickener. In most shampoos of other brands, ordinary table salt is used instead. It is believed that Cocamid Mipa is much softer effect on the hair and scalp.

Reviews of shampoos "Laurel"

Opinion about the means of this brand from Russian womenIt turned out quite good. Yellow, for example, with the right choice of shade with their help, you can paint over completely. With gray hair, they unfortunately cope a little worse. In general, the tonal shampoos for hair "L'Oreal", whose palette is very wide, are rated as pretty good. However, most of our compatriots believe that they justify their cost not one hundred percent. Before you buy shampoo of this brand, many advise you to think about whether to overpay for the brand.


Shampoos of this brand are produced.by the French company L’Oréal. It was founded a long time ago - in 1907 by the chemist Eugene Schueller. Currently, L'Oreal branches operate in many countries around the world. This company began to supply good-quality cosmetics to the Russian market immediately after the collapse of the USSR - in the 1990s. The funds of this brand were then very expensive and were not affordable for everyone. Back in those days, unfortunately, these shampoos for hair reviews were not too good. "L'Oreal", of course - the brand is very good. But the funds for the hair of this company produced by other perfumes (for example, creams), unfortunately, are slightly inferior in quality.

Shampoos "Kapus"

The composition of the funds of this brand includes manyuseful natural ingredients. They not only cleanse, but also nourish the hair, and also perfectly align it. In addition, the Kapus tint shampoos contain special UV filters. With the use of this brand, you can change the shade of hair by 1-2 tones. Kapus shampoos are usually used simultaneously with balms of the same brand, supporting the color of the colored strands. The palette of tools of this brand is also quite wide. If desired, you can choose both light and dark color of the shampoo.

tinted hair shampoos capus reviews

Reviews about "Kapus"

In most cases, lovers change theirappearance by dyeing hair in new colors shampoos of this brand are praised. They give very nice shades. In general, these tinted hair shampoos have good reviews. Kapus is an effective brand, including in terms of strand care. Hair dyed with shampoo from this manufacturer, get a healthy well-groomed appearance and begin to shine. The disadvantages of "Kapus" include only the fact that these tools are a little dry strands. Therefore, it is better to acquire them for women with oily hair.

Gray hair - if there are a lot of them - these tinted shampoosfor hair, reviews of which are pretty good, unfortunately, do not paint over. But you can still try to hide a small amount of it with the help of Kapus. The first gray hair, according to the manufacturer, this shampoo makes it much less noticeable.

Kapus company

Производится косметика этой марки на заводах Italy and Spain from high-quality raw materials and undergo double control according to European and Russian standards. In our country, sales are handled by the trading company Kapous Professional. Deliveries are made in more than 30 regions of Russia.

Shwarzkopf shampoos

The products of this brand are used by representatives ofthe beautiful sex is immensely popular. This is due to their excellent quality. The composition of shampoos "Schwarzkopf", among other things, includes vitamins and minerals that heal and protect hair from adverse environmental factors. After applying the products of this brand, the hair gets a neat well-groomed appearance, becomes silky, soft and begins to shine. Tint hair shampoos "Schwarzkopf", the palette of which, by the way, is very wide, nourish, moisturize the strands and protect them from UV rays.

Tinted hair shampoos Schwarzkopf color palette

Suitable shades means this brand will find forthemselves as blondes and brunettes or brown-haired women. The price of Shvartskopf shampoo is quite high - about 800-900 rubles (for comparison: for the same "Kapus" you only need to pay about 300 rubles). But they justify their value.

Reviews about "Schwarzkopf"

По мнению российских покупательниц, шампуни этой brands are perhaps the best and quality in the domestic market in the middle and expensive categories. These are simply wonderful products that are absolutely suitable for all types of hair. You can use them as blondes and brunettes. Particularly popular with the fair sex are tinted hair shampoos (reviews of them are really excellent) "Schwarzkopf" Palette line. They are designed to maintain the color of the already painted strands. You can use them to give a beautiful shade of very long and lush hair. Russian women are very pleased with the Brilliance product line, which gives the strands a particularly impressive shine.

Manufacturer "Schwarzkopf"

Schwarzkopf ranks third in the worldamong the brands involved in the production of cosmetics for hair. It is the oldest company founded by chemist Hans Schwarzkopf in the late nineteenth century. Today it includes several brands involved in the creation of professional cosmetics. Tint hair shampoos "Schwarzkopf", whose color palette is extremely diverse, are very popular both in Russia and in Europe.


This is another famous and popular with us incountry brand selling not too expensive and at the same time sufficiently high-quality cosmetics. There are a total of 10 shades in the shampoo palette of this manufacturer. Three of them are for blondes, three for brunettes and four for red-haired women. Shampoos “Rokolor”, as well as products of other brands, not only dye hair, but also care for them. I will not be able to hide it with their use, but they are very good for eliminating the unpleasant yellowish shade of white hair.

Tinted hair shampoos

Reviews of the tool "Rocolor"

Shampoos of this brand ("Amethyst", "Pearlashy "and" Milk chocolate "), in the opinion of fair-haired Russians, their task is to make hair attractive and neat cope very well. They praise the fair sex and the funds intended for the dark strands of this brand, especially the Mocha and Chocolate. But red tinted shampoos for hair, reviews of which are not too good, unfortunately, very quickly fade and wash off.

Rocolor Company

Produces these funds domestic company withthe same name. She specializes not only in the release of shampoos. The factory "Rocolor" made soap, detergents, perfumes and decorative cosmetics. The company has been producing and selling such products for more than 12 years. And, as already mentioned, these tinted hair shampoos have very good reviews. “Rokolor” is an inexpensive brand and at the same time is of sufficient quality.

What means to choose?

So, what manufacturer shampoo is worthbuy for hair coloring? The answer to this question depends on several factors. Most likely, the choice will first have to pay attention to the cost. Those who can afford to spend on sufficiently large amounts of cosmetics, probably will like "Schwarzkopf." These tinted shampoos for hair reviews deserve really good. Women with a fat type of strands, you can try to use the "Capus". If the purchase of cosmetics turns out to allocate only very small amounts, you should look at the inexpensive "Rokolor." Lovers of shine in their hair should pay attention to the "Schwarzkopf" Brilliance, and those who began to break through the first gray hair (not too much) should get "Kapus".

tinted shampoos for hair color palette

What you need to know about tinted shampoos

The composition of any such funds includespecial coloring pigment. After application, the tinted shampoo forms a thin film on the strands. Thus, these products treat hair much more carefully than dyes. However, they are washed away much faster - usually after the head has been washed 5-7 times.

Tinted hair shampoos palette

Any tint shampoos for hair (reviews with photosBottles of the most popular brands are on this page), unfortunately, are composed of strong allergens. Therefore, before proceeding to the staining with the means of any manufacturer, it is necessary to carry out a small test for skin sensitivity. For this, a little shampoo is applied on the palm and kept for 10-15 minutes.

Перчатки на руки при окрашивании надевать стоит required Otherwise, then you have to wash your palms for a very long time. For the same reason, shampoo should be applied to the head gently, trying not to stain the neck and forehead, and also to avoid droplets on the bath and sink. In order to determine the exposure time, you can conduct a preliminary test. For this, shampoo is applied on one strand.

Do not allow shampoo in eyes, noseor mouth. It is also not recommended to use this tool for coloring eyelashes or eyebrows. To remove yellow shade from blond hair, choose a shampoo that contains purple pigments.