/ / Cream-mask "Botox Active Expert": reviews

Cream-mask "Botox Active Expert": reviews

The aging process can not be avoided.Withering skin, facial wrinkles, dull color and a vague oval of the face - all these age-related symptoms are depressing not one woman. The innovative drug in the field of beauty "Botox Active Expert" (reviews of most women note that the cream mask significantly reduces the number of wrinkles after the first application) is designed to remove and prevent such changes in the skin. After its application the dermis is transformed, smoothed and becomes more elastic, smooth.

Composition of anti-aging mask

The effectiveness of the Botox Active Expert(reviews note that the cosmetic means makes the dermis more taut and elastic, improves the complexion) is largely due to the natural composition, which most beneficially affects the skin condition. So, the cream mask contains:

  • Squalane.It is an organic component, which is obtained from a shark liver. The human skin contains elements similar to a squalane, which improves its digestibility. This substance protects from the negative impact of the external environment. Promotes the removal of toxins from the layers of the epidermis. Reduces the number of facial wrinkles, improves the shade of the skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid.Is the best moisturizer. Protects the skin from premature loss of moisture. It makes the dermis more elastic and elastic. Helps smooth out age wrinkles. Aligns the terrain. Stimulates the production of natural collagen and elastin, which slows down with age.
  • Shea Butter. It has valuable properties.Contains many useful substances necessary for the skin for normal functioning. Activates the processes of tissue regeneration. Makes the epidermis soft. Soothes irritation, refreshes and smooths the tone of the face.
  • Peanut butter.The most positive way affects the texture of the skin, transforms it. Saturates nutrients. Reduces the number of facial wrinkles, restores the structure of the skin. Tones and enhances its protective functions.
  • Peptide derived from the killer's placentaKalimantan. This is a special element in the cream mask. It straightens and fills its facial wrinkles. Smoothes the relief of the skin. It inhibits the sensitivity of nerve endings. It improves the condition of the skin at any age. Helps to form a clear face oval. The effect of this substance is compared with injections of botox.
  • Japanese honey. This most valuable product is obtained from cherry blossoms. Lightens pigmentation. Aligns the tone of the face.
  • Reductin.Reconstructs the damaged structure of cells. It makes the dermis silky, elastic. Pulls the face oval. Stimulates the processes of skin renewal. Feeds her. A conglomerate of vitamins. Saturates the cells of the epidermis with all the necessary useful elements. Improves the structure of the skin and accelerates the metabolism of cells. Stimulates the production of natural collagen.

Cream mask "Botox Active Expert" (realreviews of some people indicate the high cost of this tool, which fully justifies the effect that it gives) has a unique and "smart" composition, which aims to maximize the effect. The rejuvenating agent is convenient to use and can be used at home. Helps preserve beauty and youth.

All components of the mask are universal and complement each other's positive effects. Contain a large number of useful substances.

Effectiveness of mask

mask botox active expert reviews of physicians cosmetologists

Begins to act immediately after application toskin of the face "Botox Active Expert". The reviews point out that the mask is capable of eliminating such a skin cover problem as peeling. After the third application, fine wrinkles disappear and the deep ones become less noticeable. In the fourth week of using the cosmetic, a complete transformation takes place. The skin is completely renewed and looks much younger.

The mask is designed to care for the skinany type. Due to the content of plant components, it practically does not cause negative reactions and has a minimal list of contraindications. It can be used even by the owners of very sensitive skin.

Cream mask stimulates the natural production of collagen. As a result of this process, old wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not arise.

The effect of this product is similar to Botox injections. There is a slowdown in the aging process, but unlike the injections, applying the mask to the face is not accompanied by soreness and discomfort.

Easily replace all expensive procedures in thesalon cream mask "Botox Active Expert". Reviews negative about it simply are absent in view of its natural composition and effective influence on the skin.

As mentioned above, this results from the application begins to appear in the fourth week of use. At the same time, the skin passes through the following stages of positive changes:

  • First week. Leaves irritation, pigmentation and swelling. Visibly improves the complexion.
  • Second week. Externally, the skin looks more well-groomed. Smoothed out small mimic wrinkles. Appears healthy shine.
  • The third week. The face oval becomes more precise. The skin is tightened. Leaves flaccidity. The structure of the dermis and its tone are restored.
  • Fourth week. Deep wrinkles are smoothed out. The skin surface is leveled. She just glows with health.

The monthly mask course allows to achieve reduction of mimic wrinkles by 86 percent, and age-related ones - by 57 percent.

Indications for use

mask botox active expert reviews

"Botox Active Expert" (reviews call ita means of real salvation and say that it has a tremendous effect) is recommended for use in mimic and age-related wrinkles on the face. The cream mask will easily cope with tired and swollen skin, and also remove bruises under the eyes. This tool will help if the dermis has a tired look, is scaly. Will improve the complexion and relieve the already existing pigment spots. Indications for use are fuzzy and saggy forms, flabbiness and other age-related changes on the face, neck and décolleté.

Real feedback "Botox Active Expert" refers tovery effective tool. It is noted that it gives a good result both at the first signs of aging, when wrinkles are barely visible on the face, and when the skin becomes faded, when the folds are deeper, and the dermis itself has lost its tone and elasticity.

Contraindications to application

Mask "Botox Active Expert" (reviews say that this tool makes the skin more smooth, supple and elastic), like any other product, has not only indications but also contraindications.

The remedy is not advised to use duringpregnancy and breastfeeding, since the mask contains very strong active ingredients that are not likely to affect the fetus or small child in the best way by penetrating the breast milk.

Cream mask should not be used by women,having a tendency to edema. Abstain from the use of cosmetic products should be used in severe chronic diseases. It can be oncology, various pathologies of blood, blood vessels, hearts and so on. Do not apply the mask with hypersensitivity and allergic reaction to one or more ingredients in the composition of the product.

Cream mask "Botox Active Expert" (reviews saythe rapid effect that can be achieved after several uses of this remedy) should not be used more than one month without interruption. It is necessary to take a timeout for two months and give the skin a break, and then, if necessary, you can repeat the course.

Terms of use

botox active expert facial mask reviews

Mask "Botox Active Expert" (reviews noted,that the remedy is a worthy alternative to Botox injections and in many ways surpasses them) should be applied in a certain sequence, which is described in detail in the instructions:

  • First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the face, neck and décolletage area from contamination. For this purpose, you need to use a means for washing, and after it, the skin needs to be wiped with a lotion or tonic.
  • In the palm of your hand you need to squeeze out a little money and distribute it with light massage movements along the skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  • To sustain a cream mask on the skin for twenty minutes.
  • Wash off with warm running water. Water can be replaced by herbal collection, milk or mineral water.
  • Allow the face to dry itself, do not wipe it with a towel.

The mask should be used daily, for two or threehours before going to bed. The skin after the procedures with this remedy looks fresh, clean and filled with nutrients. Gets the ability to self-recovery. After rinsing the product, additional grooming cosmetics are not required.

The mask should be used constantly, not timefrom time. The product, regardless of the condition of the skin, will benefit, since the nutrients contained in the cream mask "Botox Active Expert", have an active anti-aging and caring effect. The agent should be applied at least once a day throughout the course, which is equal to four weeks.

Mask "Botox Active Expert" (negativereviews of some ladies point out that it can cause excessive skin fat when applied frequently) should be applied in accordance with the instructions for use.

It is best to consult a dermatologist before using this medication.

What is the result of the cream mask?

Botox Active Expert Reviews negative

They say about the amazing result, whichprovides "Botox Active Expert" (face mask), reviews. It not only accelerates the regeneration of tissues, but also provides a full-fledged skin care, replacing all other means. Increases the immunity of the dermis and protects it from the traumatic effects of free radicals. Thanks to these properties, women who use Botox Active Expert cream in their grooming arsenal (reviews about him claim that he can remove pigmentation on his face in a short time), noted the results that they managed to achieve with this drug:

  • complete disposal of shallow shallow wrinkles after several applications (3-5);
  • reduction of deep age folds on the face;
  • struggle against aging not only on the skin of the face, but also on the neck and neck;
  • stimulation of tissue regeneration processes;
  • elimination of pigmentation;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • moistening of the dermis for 24 hours;
  • saturation of the epidermis with all necessary nutrients;
  • facelift of the face;
  • elimination of dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased elasticity and elasticity;
  • elimination of ecdysis and excessive dryness.

Cream "Botox Active Expert" reviews are called a real find. After all, he is able to cope with almost any age problem on his face.

Benefits of using the Botox Active Expert (face mask)

Botox Active Face Mask

Reviews note that the remedy for five to sixprocedures completely removes the black circles under the eyes. It differs from other similar products with its unique and unique abilities, and its use has many positive aspects:

  • rapid and delicate elimination of age-related skin changes;
  • Availability, because rejuvenating drugs and similar procedures in the cabin are much more expensive;
  • ease of use;
  • start of natural processes of self-rejuvenation and stimulation of collagen and elastin production;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • the possibility of use in persons with extremely sensitive skin;
  • minimum contraindications and no side effects.

"Botox Active Expert" (face mask) is able to make a miracle and restore even the most neglected skin.

Where can I get a mask?

botox active expert reviews of real buyers

Rejuvenating cream mask "Botox Active Expert"(negative reviews about this tool are practically nonexistent) can not be bought at a pharmacy or a cosmetics store. Its sale is only through the Internet, on the official website of the manufacturer. To do this, you need to fill out the order form, where the name and phone number fit in, which after a certain time the employee of the company contacts with you and specifies all the information on the delivery. He can ask all questions about the product. Delivery to the capital and the city of St. Petersburg can be carried out by courier.

The cost of a cosmetic product

Full price of cream mask "Botox Active Expert"(reviews negative on the Internet are rare, as a rule, they are superseded by a lot of custom) is equal to 1980 rubles. At the moment on the site of the manufacturer is an action, where they offer to buy this product with a 50% discount, for 990 rubles.

Mask "Botox Active Expert": reviews of cosmetologists and consumers

The rejuvenating product has appeared quite recently in the cosmetic market, but has already managed to gain a positive reputation.

Doctors-cosmetologists note that the cream maskis an excellent alternative to Botox injections and other rejuvenating salon procedures. The only drawback is that the result does not appear immediately, but within 2-4 weeks. To positive moments, experts attribute a mild and gradual effect on the skin, the absence of redness, scaling and other adverse effects after the procedure.

cream mask botox active expert reviews

Cosmetologists do not recommend using thisa tool for women up to the age of thirty, since the composition of the mask is too active. The main thing in the application of this remedy is not to overdo or apply to the skin "Botox Active Expert" continuously. It is necessary to take breaks between courses for at least two months. During this time, the effect will not be lost, and the skin will rest from the effects of too active, even natural substances.

Customer reviews indicate the simplicity andease of use of the mask. It is noted that after the third procedure small wrinkles begin to smooth out, and deeper folds become almost invisible. The skin tightens, becomes more elastic, elastic and moisturized. Lit from the inside. The relief of the dermis is smoothed. She gets a more well-groomed appearance.

Some ladies use this tool whenpeeling of the skin, and also with excessive dryness. It is noted that in this case, this product in a short time changed the condition of the epidermis for the better, making the skin of the face whiter than moisturized and smooth.

Некоторые дамы используют маску пару раз в неделю.It is noted that it has an oily composition, as a result of which it is easily applied and distributed. These women would use the remedy more often, but on the oily skin "Botox Active Expert" with more frequent use provokes excessive greasiness.

Many argue that the cosmeticAfter application does not dry completely, but only thickens. Cream-mask is easily washed off, and it is better to remove it with hot water, otherwise on the face it can leave a fat film. The product is saturated with nutrients, and the skin after its application is especially soft, and therefore no additional care for it is necessary. The moisturizing effect persists for 24 hours, so even in the morning you can not use a moisturizer. Makeup on such a face is applied well and keeps unchanged throughout the day.

Many people are not satisfied with the sour-milk smell of the productand packing sachets, but they say that in this form it is more convenient to take a trip. The product in the pack is sufficient for two applications. In total, seven sachets are packaged. Open the pack should be stored in the refrigerator.

They say that after cosmetic procedures, womenyouth for several years. They are jealous of other ladies of venerable age, and they began to pay attention to men. These people note the high quality of the product, speed and ease of use. They say that for such a result, what this means gives, the cost of 990 rubles seems to be a penny. The only drawback they think is that you can not buy at a pharmacy, but you need to order a rejuvenating mask "Botox Active Expert" through the official website of the manufacturer.

Reviews of real buyers help to get an idea about the facility in question and make a final purchase decision. We wish you beauty and health!