/ / Masterpiece Spirits "Nina Richie"

The masterpiece perfume "Nina Richie"

Perfume makes a great impression on oursouls and minds, he awakens in us hidden desires and envelops with a train of refinement and refinement. Some flavors are remembered for life, and some cause indifference. Nevertheless, when it comes to the brand "Nina Richie," few people can remain indifferent. This is one of the oldest perfume brands in the world, offering only an elite assortment. Known for their unique combination of ingredients, the "Nina Richie" perfume is truly a masterpiece. Each flavor is different from each other and is designed to meet the tastes of different people.

Brand History

spirits nina rici
Marie Adeland Nyeli, who later became NinaRichie, this is one of the most legendary figures in the world of fashion. The history of the brand dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, when the twelve-year-old Marie went to work in the tailor's workshop to help her mother with money. She started her way in the fashion industry with tailoring hats. It took her more than thirty years to become famous and open her own fashion house.

The first female perfume "Nina Richie" was invented by her sonRobert Richie in 1946. The fragrance was called Coeur Joie, it was released in a crystal bottle designed by Rene Lalique. Soon, in 1948, another perfume was created - L "Air du Temps, which is still considered one of the most popular in the world.This triumphant recognition is associated with the history of its creation.Robert Richie devised a fragrance for his beloved woman, reflecting in it all their passionate emotions and impressions.

women's perfumes nina rici
Many women still prefer these spirits,despite the many new flavors produced annually. And it's not accidental. Taking a bottle of charming doves from a night table and applying a little delicious flavor on the wrist and earlobe, any woman will feel happy and desired. And although the spirits are called "The Air of Time", they are beyond the rapidly advancing years.

World of fragrances

Thanks to its history, the spirits of "Nina Richie"are very in demand. As already mentioned, the most famous fragrance of the brand is L "Air du Temps." It combines jasmine and gardenia, iris and sandalwood, and the perfume creates a romantic mood, so it's best to apply it in the evening. perfume "Nina Ritchie." The price of these starts from 2000. Other popular fragrances of the brand are Love in Paris and Premier Jour.The complex quivering fragrances contained in stylish bottles will please not only yourself, but will also be an excellent gift for friends and close.

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In addition, they are available in different volumes, but even the smallest bottle is capable of giving a delicious aroma that will last for a long time.

Brand development

In 1998, the perfume "Nina Richie" was acquiredPuig, which continued to produce some of the finest scents for men and women. Love for the spirits had an impact on the young generation of the Richie family. So, Nina Richie's grandson - Romano - is currently creating perfumes that are very popular. Today the brand "Nina Richie" has more than 46 fragrances. The newest of them, highly appreciated by fashion lovers, include the following: Nina Snow Princess, L'Air and many others.