/ / Skype failed to establish a connection - what should I do? Causes of malfunction and their elimination

Skype failed to establish a connection - what should I do? Causes of malfunction and their elimination

Quite often, users complain thatSkype could not establish a connection. What to do in this case? Why can this happen at all? It is not so easy to answer these questions. Especially when you consider that the application most often fails on computers. Nevertheless, today we will learn how to deal with the problem under study. So what to look for first?

skype could not connect what to do

Internet connection

Skype could not connect? What to do? The first thing you need to do is check the network connection. Its absence leads to the appearance of the said message.

In general, this alert indicates thatSkype can not connect to the application server. The program sends a signal, but does not reach the server. Accordingly, it is impossible to work with the application.

To check, you can open the browser and try to go to any site. Did not work out? So, something is wrong with the Internet! This was the cause of the failure.

Problems in the Skype Internet connection can be caused by:

  • indebtedness for payment of access to the network;
  • failure of the provider;
  • accidents and technical work on transmission lines;
  • OS failures.

You can try to restart the Internet and the modem. As soon as network access is restored, an error such as "Skype can not establish a connection" does not appear.

Older versions

The next variant of the development of events is the user has an outdated version of Skype. Such applications eventually cease to be supported by the developers.

skype can not establish a connection

The message "Skype could not connect" appears. What to do? It's time to see the software version and update it if necessary.

To do this, you will need:

  1. Open the Skype authorization window.
  2. Go to "Help" - "About Skype".
  3. View the version of the application and the year of the build.
  4. If necessary, open skype.com and download the latest version of the application from there.
  5. Make the installation of "Skype" and resume the connection attempt.

Important: the old version of the software is best removed. To do this, it is recommended to open "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" - "Delete ...".


But this is not all the options for the development of events.Skype does not have a connection to the Internet, sometimes through the fault of the built-in firewall. It appeared in Windows with the version of "Windows 7". To fix the situation and enter into Skype, the mentioned service will have to be disabled.

This will require:

  1. Go to the "Control Panel". The corresponding item is in the start menu on the left side of the screen.
  2. In the "View" section, set the "Category".
  3. Select "System and Security".
  4. Click on "Windows Firewall".
  5. In the left menu, click "Enable or Disable the Firewall."
  6. Everywhere put "Disconnect".
  7. Click on "Save / Ok".

Now you can try again to start "Skype".If the case is in the firewall, then the application will start working at full strength. Anyway, the notification "Skype could not connect" appears on the screen? What to do next?

can not connect to skype


It is possible that the application interferes with theinstalled antivirus. Not for nothing that developers recommend turning off this software when initializing programs and when running some utilities. Maybe the Skype files for some reason are recognized as malicious.

How to disable the antivirus?It all depends on which PC security application is installed in a person. Most often just click the right mouse button on the software icon in the Windows tray and select "Exit" there.

Some experts recommend, if possible, to remove the antivirus and install it again, but only after resuming work with Skype.


Sometimes it is impossible to establish a connection in Skype due to a modem / router. For example, if it fails or the settings are reset. Unfortunately, users forget about this point.

internet connection problems skype

How to fix the situation? It is recommended to go to the browser on the PC and from there enter the modem settings. This is possible even with the Internet turned off. The main thing is that the router is turned on.

More specifically, the following guidelines will help:

  1. In the browser type The number can change. It can be specified according to the documents of the router.
  2. Log in to the system. Typically, the password and login by default is admin.
  3. Go to "Virtual Servers".
  4. Click on the "Add" button.
  5. In the "Name" section write Skype, in "Port" (final) - 4960, for example.
  6. Click on "Save".
  7. Open Skype.
  8. Go to "Tools" - "Connection Problems ...".
  9. Specify the port specified in the settings of the router in the "Use port" window.
  10. Click on "Save".

Now you can try to re-authorize. Usually this technique really works.

Reset Skype settings

Skype failed to connect? What to do in this case? The final tip is to reset the application.

How to realize the idea? Have to:

  1. Open the "Start".
  2. In the search box type% appdata%.
  3. Log into the mentioned folder.
  4. Open the Skype section.
  5. Select all documents and delete them.
  6. Launch Skype and login to your system.

All of these methods are in practice quite effective. But they should not stop.

Extreme measures

Is there no internet connection in Skype? All the proposed methods did not get rid of the problems? Under such circumstances, you can act differently.

skype no internet connection

How exactly? Should try:

  1. Perform a complete reinstallation of the program.
  2. Roll back the operating system at a time when Skype worked fine.
  3. Check your computer for viruses, remove computer infection and enter the messenger.

The most radical way is considered to be completereinstall the OS with formatting the hard disk. Fortunately, this technique is extremely rare. Can't connect to Skype? From now on, it is clear how to deal with such an error. It is not as dangerous as it seems. The main thing is to understand why there was a failure. It is not always easy to do this!