/ / Architecture of computers for dummies

Computer Architecture for Dummies

The architecture of a computer is, first of all, a kitstandard computer equipment, without which no computer can do. And no, it's not just a large white box with buttons and a stand for coffee. The concept of computer architecture includes a detailed analysis of the components of this box. Over time, the list expands and grows, but until now the basic set remains unchanged. In this article we will tell you what the architecture of a computer is, and also explain what you need to be guided when building your own PC. We read and are enlightened.

computer architecture

Basic computer architecture

concept of computer architecture
Starting with the first computers of the fourthGenerations, components of any computer, consist of: motherboard, RAM, hard disk, processor, cooling system, sound, network and video cards. Also, additional input-output devices, such as a monitor, a mouse, and a keyboard, were connected to it. If we are talking about monoblocks, or Macentosh computers, then the architecture of this type of computer includes a built-in monitor, keyboard and drive.

Now that we know what any computer consists of, let's figure out how the game model differs from the office model.

Architecture of game and office computers

Home gaming computer must firstturn to produce high performance, image quality and a powerful cooling system. This harmony is achieved by installing separate elements with independent cooling in the form of coolers (fans) or special water. There is such a computer from:

architecture of computers is
- Motherboard with support for a large number of nests and ports.

- A processor of about two cores. A greater number of nuclei will not affect its ability to support more "heavy" games.

- Radeon video cards of the latest model, but notmore than seven thousand. The trend is that video cards become obsolete every month, and buying a supernova video card that will last you a year is simply unprofitable. The only thing you need to pay attention to is an integrated cooling system. If it does not, then you have to buy and put a few fans.

Note: it is Radeon that specializes in the maximum quality of game graphics, while Nvidia handles the array of information faster and is better suited for reading large video formats.

- 8 or more gigabytes of RAM.Best in one nest, because in the case of breaking threads, the performance is reduced by a third. If you have 16 gigabytes in 2 nests, the total performance will not exceed 12-13 gigabytes.

- Hard disk capacity of 1 terabyte.

- Sound card.

And there are additional devicesI / O information, but this is not so important. And what about the office computer? We simply take all these indicators, and boldly divide them into two. It will be the ideal computer for work.


The architecture of a computer can be as wretchedthe accumulation of powerful, but unnecessary mechanisms, and a harmonious combination of finely matched models and kinds of different elements. Everything depends primarily not on the value of the PC, but on who collects it. The professional always knows which operational maps conflict with each other, which video card overheats and needs an additional cooling unit, and so on. In the pursuit of the fact that "to buy more, because it will be steeper", you will not get anything as a result, except for always hanging computer junk on the shelf.