Tork, namely the name of the protagonist,a man with a difficult fate. Constant manifestations of amnesia and aggression, which he does not remember, ultimately lead to consequences. Tork kills his wife and 2 children in cold blood, then ends up in prison. It is not simple, but the most terrible in the United States, in addition, the poor fellow does not remember at all what he got here. This is exactly how The Suffering 2 begins. Yes, the plot of the 2nd part follows directly from the 1st.
Crime and Punishment
Tork committed a serious crime, but he did notremembers. Was it really all this? Was there any wife with children? These issues will arise especially when there is something amazing happening in prison. In general, the protagonist was to be executed, but unknown monsters broke the course of history. The poor man not only survived, but also escaped from prison! But not everything is so simple. From The Suffering 2 does not escape. The second part begins unexpectedly and spontaneously. Again the lattice and again prison. A real deja vu. However, this is not an island, but the town of Baltimore. Monsters and other nightmare was forgotten, because Tork is serving a term of 5 years. The revolt of prisoners is very convenient, it saves the hero life. You should not be happy, because the monsters got here.
The beginning of the game is insanely variable.A powerful plot feature with amnesia of the main character, allows you to select the main memories at the very beginning. The system of bad and good deeds is also implemented well. Killing someone, the player declines karma in his or in the opposite direction. This strongly affects the plot. Often a casual passer-by can help, seriously easing the game. However, if you kill him, the possibility of a simplified level crossing will be inaccessible. The Suffering 2 in this regard will be better than many games. Sometimes a hero hears voices that advise him to act in one way or another. Regardless of the situation, there is always a choice.
Games without features are bad games.They are rarely to be found, because a fan is hard to find. However, The Suffering 2 is a special game. At the time of the release all the gameplay and the plot component of the game really liked people. The gamer community was not so picky about realistic physics and graphics. In the rest, this game suited everyone. Well, that, in it the plot component was developed, the background, interesting combat part and even cut scenes were worked out. The choice of memory in the main character was considered to be unique and unparalleled.
Armament Set
It so happened that the players always paid a lotattention to weapons. There were times when people considered the game good only because the character was carrying a whole arsenal in his pocket. Fortunately, the game Suffering 2 is not one of those. No, being a walking arsenal is certainly fun, but it significantly simplifies the gameplay. Here only two types of cold and firearms are available to the player. Arming with a flamethrower, an automatic rifle, a shotgun and a grenade launcher will not work.
What do you need to know before passing Suffering 2?First of all, the prehistory, namely, the first part of the game. The protagonist does not understand himself, he has amnesia and periodic attacks of insanity. As many as 11 chapters of gameplay, some of the levels are short, but insanely complex, while others are, on the contrary, long and do not cause difficulties for the player. Constant "parishes" Tork at the end of the game already have time to get bored. This game begins vigorously, but at the very end it becomes boring and less interesting.