We will now consider how to putparagraph sign, creating a document on a personal computer. It must be said that with the indisputable fame of this symbol, not all PC users know where to find it.

To begin with, we note:the paragraph sign has the form of two stylized letters s. This symbol was provided by the creators of typewriters, but unfortunately it is absent on modern computer keyboards. This fact raises the question of how to put a paragraph sign. In turn, the task has several solutions, which will be discussed below.
Main way
The first version of how to put a paragraphon the keyboard, it is relevant for many applications, including office products from Microsoft, such as Excel and Word, as well as the standard Windows notepad. First of all, make sure that the numeric block that places the right side of the keyboard on itself is switched to the active state. If this feature is disabled, press the Num Lock (special key). After that, press the Alt key and, while holding it, enter the value 0167. Thus, after you release the Alt key, a paragraph sign will appear in the document.
Using special characters

For programs that provide an insertspecial characters, you can use the specified tools. If you work with a Word document, you must set the cursor in the place where you intend to put a paragraph mark. Next, open the "Insert" tab, then click on the "Symbol" function in the "Symbols" section of the toolbar. As a rule, it is located on the right side of the panel. If you are unable to find the desired symbol in the menu that appears, click the "Other symbols" item with the left mouse button. You will see the following dialog box. In the "Symbols" tab, find the paragraph icon, then select it with the left mouse button, and finally click the "Insert" item. Close the window. There is another alternative solution. After calling the "Symbol" dialog box, go to the "Special Characters" tab. The following list also contains a paragraph sign. First, select it, and then click the Insert button. Using the same tab, you can easily customize the shortcut keys so that you do not have to open the Symbols all the time. Highlight the paragraph mark with the left mouse button, then click on the “Keyboard shortcut” item.