/ / How do I know which drivers are needed?

How do you know which drivers are needed?

Now every family has a home computer -personal or laptop. Usually there are no problems with how to view pages on the Internet, search for movies online or correspond with the famous Odnoklassniki. Is that sometimes, moreover, only at the very first stage of exploring the world of computing technology. But no matter how high the reliability of the computer, no matter how famous the manufacturer assembled it - sooner or later it will inevitably need to reinstall the operating system. Of course, for this you can contact the relevant service centers, now they are practically on every corner, but this is associated with a number of difficulties. For example, you will have to remove all confidential information from your hard drive, find time to travel, and in the case of a full-fledged personal computer, also solve the issue of its transportation. Therefore, it is more rational to learn how to find the driver by device code and reinstall the operating system. Actually, more and more users understand this. This is evidenced by the abundance of questions on the forums. Among them, one of the most popular is “how do I know which drivers are needed?”. What is it about?

Любой компьютер – это совокупность электронных components and their control programs. Without software (software), an electronic assistant is a useless piece of metal and plastic. The component controlling the program is the driver. But since there are many modifications of the first, then you have to read about how to find out what drivers are needed. You can not just download the first available. This can be compared with wheels for cars - everything seems to be all round and can roll, but you cannot put a small car in any way from a huge truck. So, how do you know which drivers are needed?

First you need to determine which onescomponent parts is the computer. To do this, you can carefully inspect the boxes. Find out which motherboard is very simple. On the box from the mainboard (main board) of a personal computer from the butt there is always a sticker with the exact name. It could be “GA-H61M-S2P” (or any other abbreviation) - such an incomprehensible set of characters. The next step is to determine the manufacturer, usually written in capital letters. Famous - ASUS, Gigabyte, Intel, etc. Then everything is quite simple. We type in the browser search box “ASUS website”, “Intel website”, respectively, and follow the page. Here difficulties with how to find out what drivers are needed, does not arise. Find the right motherboard and download the proposed control programs. After that, it will remain by the same principle to find and download drivers for other devices - a printer, modem, video card. That is: we look for the name on the boxes - go to the site - choose our model - download the right one.

In the case of a laptop, everything is even simpler: determine the name (for example, ACER-7720ZG) - go to the manufacturer's website - select the model and download the programs for your operating system.

More difficult, but giving 100% result a method -This is to find the driver by device code. In the device manager, open the properties of the desired component and on the “Details” tab, look at the “Equipment ID”. Knowing this line, you can accurately determine the type of device on specialized sites and find programs for it. An alternative is to use a special application that scans the computer and automatically download the missing drivers. The disadvantage of such solutions is that the computer must have a working operating system.

Also information about the connected devices givediagnostic programs like Sandra or Everest, which changed its name to AIDA. Having decided on the name and type, you can quickly find and download the necessary driver from the global network.