Many users are interested in how to putemoticons in "Instagram" on "Android" or computer. Only few know how to realize this idea. After all, there are many different approaches to solving this problem. And today you and I have to understand this complicated question. The main thing is do not be scared and do not be afraid to experiment, if the situation requires it. Let's start studying our topic as soon as possible.

With your own hands
Do you think how to put emoticons in Instagram on"Android"? Or maybe on a computer? It does not matter which gadget you want to implement the idea, because the first method is considered universal. What is it about? Let's understand this.
Of course, if you need to put a smiley, thenyou can print it in the body of the message yourself. To do this, use the alphabet and different signs. For example, a smile is expressed like this - "=)", and sadness is "= (", strong crying - "T_T", wink - ";)", surprise - "= 0" and so on. Such primitive smilies have been used for a long time. And many such an approach to solving the problem posed does not suit you. After all, users want to put original and beautiful smileys for "Instagram". "Android" allows you to do this. The main thing is to know how. And now we'll figure it out.
Application "Instagram"
You can try to usea specialized program for mobile phones "Instagram." This application makes it easy for users to work with the social network. And writing messages including. But how to put emoticons in "Instagram" on "Android"?

First, log in to the social network withVisiting the selected official application. After that start writing a post. Then when typing, click on "Settings" and select "Smilies". You will open a small panel with several options for "expressing emotions." It remains only to click on the desired picture and see the result. You will have a "smile" in the place where you wanted.
In addition, you can try to type the primitivevariants of smiles on the keyboard. They can be transformed into some beautiful picture-emotion, if the "code" you typed coincides with what is available in the program system. That's all the problems are solved. Now you know how to set emoticons for "Instagram". "Android", as you can see, allows you to implement this venture in several ways. Only there is another very interesting and original approach to the solution of the task set before us. Which one? Let's get acquainted with him.
Additional panels
How to put smileys in "Instagram" on "Android"?If you do not like the standard official application for this social network, then you can download and install additional smileys. Nowadays there are a lot of them.
As a rule, this content is easy to find inWorld Wide Web. You should download the "smiles" library, and then install it on your smartphone. Next, print the message in the official application and, like last time, select "smileys". At you the small list of established "smiles" will jump out. There click on the desired "package" of pictures, and then insert the necessary emotion. That's all the problems are solved.

Задумались, как отправлять смайлики в Instagram from the computer? There are so many options. The first is a symbolic composition of emotions. Just like with smartphones. Only it is not so often used.
In addition, you can simply find on the Internet a "heaped" emotion of symbols and insert it into the text of the post. This is a more suitable option. Especially for those to whom minimalism is important in everything.
But the most popular move is downloading packagesemoticons for "Instagram". You install the application on your computer (in the browser) and, if necessary, call this service on the social network. Next, select the smile and paste it into the post. That's all the problems are solved. Nothing difficult or supernatural. Now you know how to put emoticons in "Instagram" on "Android" or computer. This is not so difficult as it may seem.