/ / Home and office LAN via Wi Fi

Home and office LAN via Wi Fi

The Internet is a great invention.of humanity. With it, people not only can communicate with each other at a distance, but also work where they are comfortable if the schedule allows. In addition, the World Wide Web is capable of providing a large amount of both useful and entertaining information. In general, staying on the Internet will allow you to “fill” your leisure time with something that is important and interesting to a person.

There are many ways to connect to the network.quantity. For example, you can use a router, an Internet gateway, and so on. But the most convenient is the local network via Wi-Fi router. Let us dwell in more detail on how to create a connection by connecting the PCs to each other and gaining access to the network without having to run wires for a long time.

The main reasons when Wi-Fi LAN in the office and home is particularly needed:

  • good repair has been made in the room, so cracking the walls for cable laying is unwise;

  • a flat or office has a large footage, and you need to connect different devices to the network;

  • it is very convenient to be able to move around with the laptop;

  • there is a large number of PCs in the room.

There are a huge number of such reasons why you need a local area network via Wi-Fi at home or in the office.

But keep in mind that, in addition to the obvious and publicized advantages of such a connection, there are also a number of disadvantages.

First, the local network via W-Fisensitive to interference. If there are conditions with a complex radio frequency situation, then there will be practically no normal network operation. As a result, the connection speed will become floating, and the connection will constantly break.

Secondly, there is the likelihood of a strongabsorption of radio waves by reinforced concrete or some other materials. They will contribute to the weakening of the network signal. As a result, the features of operation will be the same as in the first case.

Therefore, if there are similar situations, then a local area network via Wi-Fi is not recommended. If there is no such problem, you can proceed with the installation of a similar network.

This requires an Internet gateway or ADSL modem,Having a built-in wireless access point Wi-Fi and a number of client devices equipped with a set of wireless adapters. It should be installed on the place where it will be located and connected to the network. At this stage, you do not need to enter the Internet and configure any parameters.

Turns on the PC or laptop, and further recommendedRun the Wireless Setup Wizard. But it is often enough to turn on the wireless adapter to immediately start searching for the local wireless network (s) (s) that are within range of the computer adapter. Now you should look in the list for the presence of a network identifier - SSID in the value of "default".

There are situations when the PC could find severalsimilar networks with the same name, and, most importantly, to connect to any. This would mean that the neighbor, while establishing his network, did not protect it. Therefore, you can now use it to all neighbors and the district. But it is, by the way.

In order to check how connectedlocal network via Wi-Fi, it is recommended with a laptop to walk around your home or office. This will allow you to observe the level of the received signal, as well as information about the speed of work. For yourself, you can select favorable and unfavorable places and their number. If the result is not satisfactory, then it is recommended to move the access point to another time and repeat the same procedure again. This should be done until the result is not satisfied with the quality.

Then you can begin to configure your home network.To do this, we recommend using the installation wizard, setting the same parameters that are available on the access point. Difficulties at this stage, as a rule, almost does not arise.