If you are new to this virtualand you want to know how different objects are made, then you must read many articles. Today we decided to tell you about how to make colored glass in "Maynkraft". In fact, there are several options with which you can create this block, but we will describe for you the simplest and most accessible, and also tell you which components will be required for crafting. At once it is necessary to mention that before making the necessary element, you need to make its original version. In order to receive glass, the Meincraft, according to its rules, requires the player to pre-dig up the sand, then get the coal and, most importantly, create the oven if it does not already have it. In it it is necessary to put the components, or rather, sand and coal. Then you should wait a while. In the end, you get an ordinary clear glass.

Cut down the necessary plants, after which we placethem to the workbench, then the dye is obtained. As we said earlier, in order to produce colored glass, you need to know its recipe. But the algorithm of actions is simple enough. When all the components are available, you can proceed to the solution of the question of how to make colored glass in "Maincrafter". Take the dye and place it on the workbench. Remember that you should select the center cell. All other holes that are located around, it is necessary to fill with ordinary transparent glass.
An exception