/ / Lock Windows: how to do without reinstalling the system

Windows lock: how to do without reinstalling the system

В связи с тем, что компьютеры прочно вошли в the life of everyone, to be left without his faithful “iron friend” is extremely unpleasant. Especially in the case when the familiar operating system is not visible on the computer monitor, but rather pictures of a very low aesthetic content. Yes, this is the blocking of Windows, which almost every second active user has recently encountered. What to do and how to defeat this infection?

Of course, if there is a computerreally important and valuable information that you really need, you should not rely on your knowledge (if you are not too impressive), but you should immediately contact a professional service. If the blocking of Windows has comprehended a simple home computer, on which nothing valuable has happened, you can try to give the banner a decisive rebuff.

lock windows

What do I need to do?Do you know what “safe mode” is in Windows? This is the mode in which the system boots with a minimum set of applications and drivers. If the blocker was not created by the most experienced people, then you can try to bypass it. But it must be remembered that blocking Windows (SMS extortionists, to be more precise) is constantly being improved, so in some cases this method may not work.

So. Reboot the computer.Since it is not possible to do this in the normal way, you will have to use the Reset button on the system unit. If you do not have it or it does not work, you can simply hold down the power key for a while, wait for the computer to turn off, and then start it again. During the boot process, constantly press the F8 key.

lock windows sms

When the dialog box appears, select"Secure Download". If the computer has booted up, and the blocking of Windows did not work, we immediately update our antivirus (if you have one) and run a full system scan. Unfortunately, this option does not always help, and in some cases you still have to look at the painfully familiar window with pictures ...

Again, click on the Reset and again press on the keyF8. But! In this case, select the item "Secure boot with command line support". You will need to enter the following command:% systemroot% system32restorerstrui.exe and press the Enter key. Note! The command must be entered correctly and without errors! Rewrite it on a piece of paper, and after loading, carefully and slowly enter the command line!

blocked windows refill

In case of successful input and launch, startssystem recovery program. Just follow the instructions displayed on the monitor and follow them, and then re-send the system to reboot. After a normal start, again, you need to update (or reinstall) the anti-virus application, at the maximum settings check all hard drives that are on your computer. This must be done without fail, since the blocking of Windows in this case can be restored from the files remaining after the "pest".

However, we said above that these simpleways are not always working. In some cases, one has to go for special tricks and perform a download from the Live-CD, which can be created by almost all modern antivirus programs.

Remember that if Windows is blocked, to replenish the account is not an option, since attackers can pay at least twice. The key to enter the system you still will not send.