Любой из нас, скачивая видео, обращал внимание на quality indication - CAMRip, TVRip, BDRip, HDRip and other marks. But what exactly do they mean, and how to choose the best among them? If CAMRip points to a rather mediocre image, and TVRip - an average, then the last two are used to indicate excellent picture quality. Let's dwell on them and see which is better - BDRip or HDRip. We also mention other formats.
The most common types of quality
Mostly on torrents, file sharing, sitesthe main characteristics of films or clips are listed with video. Thus, the size, duration, format, and quality are indicated. When downloading files, a lot of attention should be paid to the last characteristic.
So, the best options are extensions.BDRip and HDRip, which indicate that the recording was made from disks. At the same time, the differences between them are not so significant. Next, we will try to figure out which video quality is better - HDRip or BDRip.
Note also that the worst format as alreadynoted, it is considered CAMRip - video, filmed on an amateur camera in the cinema. At the same time, there may be extraneous noises, conversations, figures on the recording, and the sound itself is often barely audible.
TVRip and SATRip mean that the video was recorded from TV. At the same time, the image may contain icons of the channel from which the rip was made, have an advertisement. But overall the quality is pretty good.
DVDRip is a sign that the release was created directly from the DVD media. Such recordings have good recording quality.
HDRip and BDRip formats
Now let's talk about the two most preferred formats for downloading. In order to decide which is better - BDRip or HDRip, let's try to understand the terminology.
So, BDRip is a common designation that indicates that a rip is made from a Blu-Ray DVD disc.
HDRip - rip made from a source having high definition, from 720p. This can be both a disc and a fairly high-quality broadcast.
As you can see, the main difference between these two formatsconsists only of the source. The quality formats are quite similar, and the differences are almost negligible. Users are equally appreciated by both. As you can see, there is no definitive answer to which format is better - HDRip or BDRip.
In addition, the quality may depend not only onof this designation, but also on what program was used to create a rip, image extensions Internet users are still debating on this issue.
Other designations affecting quality
При скачивании фильмов также следует обращать attention to the type of video - .avi, .mkv, .mp4 and others. You should choose the one that will be supported by the player that you use, otherwise you will have to tinker with the converter software. Then you should pay attention to the file size - often, the higher it is, the higher the quality, although it also affects the download speed.
Finally, if you have twothe same file with different quality formats, in which case it is better to determine which is better - BDRip or HDRip, another value - the resolution of the picture.
To the quality of the rips usually add a digital value - the resolution of the image vertically. With this aspect ratio it is 16: 9. The higher it is, the clearer and better the picture.
The most common values are 720p and 1080p. Naturally, the file size depends on this value.
We found out that a definite answer tothe question of which is better - BDRip or HDRip is not. Everything depends not only on the indication of quality, but also on what programs and how exactly the rip was created, what extension and weight the file has.
The main difference between these two formats only in the original source, the very same picture quality is almost identical.