Разбирая исторические корни, можно определить, that the team Fnatic almost did not differ from the old and famous Epsilon. In January 2013, it was decided to take a new player Flusha, who was able to distinguish his professional skills from others. At Dreamhack Summer 2013 Epsilon team managed to apply their skills against rivals, where she managed to win the second place in a very difficult match. In this championship they were able to beat NiP. After that, the old team still managed to sign a contract with Fnatic, it was given serious support from a large organization that has been working in Counter-Strike for a long time.

Way to success
After that, the composition did not change in Fnatic CS GO, andthis was a great success, as in the G3 team managed to take the third and fourth place in the big tournament. In the new ESL One Colonge competition, the team was also lucky, and it took the 2nd position in the final against the serious rivals NiP. Further, the team also managed to achieve good success - it happened at various tournaments. In Fnatic CS GO the line-up did not change for a long period of time, but still they fell out in 2014 on DreamHack Winter, as there was a big argument. Although this team did not upset a bit, because in the future they still managed to occupy the leading places in the tournament, thereby proving to everyone that this is the first association in the world.
The best

So, at this point in the main team includedLee Kang Yang, known as kYxY, Yi Fun Tea with the pseudonym Mushi, Chon Xin Hu, nicknamed Ohaiyo, Sung Tay Li, who calls himself JoHnNy and Fadil bin Mohamed Razif with the nickname Kecik Imba. Among the former participants are Kai Hanbakers from Germany, Adriana Kreziu from Sweden, Johan Sandstein from Denmark, Tal Isaac from Israel and Kalle Saarinen from Finland.