The article tells about what a stream is, what you need, about its types, technical implementation and about streaming the downloads in the torrent.
Unlimited Internet in every home

With the beginning of the digital era (and especially the wideaccess to unlimited and high-speed Internet), people got almost limitless opportunities for communication. Whether it's a program for the exchange of instant text messages, video calls or something else. But, besides all this, there is another interesting technology. This stream. What is stream, for what and who is used, we will understand.
Согласно официальному определению, стрим – это streaming of audio or video data via the Internet. This is a kind of analogue of the television ether, but with a few differences. And in our time, several meanings are put into it. Most often, it is the live broadcast of an event or program on video hosting. But first things first. So what is stream?
In essence, this is a constant transfermultimedia data. For example, when watching online video, there is also a stream, because the data from the server where the movie is stored go to the computer in real time, and if you interrupt the connection to the Internet, the broadcast will end, as the information is stored on the hard disk or memory card in only a small amount so that the video can be "rewound" back.
But to finally understand thatsuch a stream, it is worth mentioning the second meaning of this word. It is also used as slang for the name of various kinds of live broadcasts with live people. Simply put, live broadcast via the Internet. It is used as a gradual replacement of television in the same TVs with the function of Smart-TV or various creative personalities. We will analyze the most frequent types.

Для подобной деятельности даже создали отдельный service. The meaning of it is simple - a person configures the program to demonstrate the screen, launches the game and communicates with the audience in real time. Sometimes, in the corner you can see the face of the streamer. Of course, one can argue with the usefulness of such a semantic load, because what's the point of watching someone else play? But the point here is not in the game itself, but in its manner. Streamers, as a rule, know well what the spectators love, and arrange various shows and rallies with shares. And this is also called stream. The Internet is filled with fans of such programs.
Interviews, direct inclusions
Another area where technology is usedstreaming data, it's news programs, the inclusion of events, sports or cyber-tournaments from the ground. Also, many bloggers arrange thus conversations with guests or spectators.
Streaming itself is gaining momentum,because it does not require complicated equipment, you only need a video camera, unlimited Internet and special software. True, there are not many quality shows.
The Torrent. Stream downloaded files

To all the torrents have long been accustomed, although relativelyrecently there was a time when downloading from the Internet could only be slow, with a long wait or sending paid SMS. Fortunately, this is behind, and peer-to-peer technologies make this process almost limitless. And one of the new features of torrent clients and some special programs is the streaming playback of downloadable files.
Для этого нужно обновить клиент до последней version or install a special program or plug-in for the browser that will, by pointing to the torrent file, launch the video immediately, without waiting for the full download.
So we figured out what stream is and what it's for.