/ / Article for those who do not know where the history of Skype is stored

Article for those who do not know where the history of Skype is stored

Skype keeps an archive of messages - this is the history of all outgoing and incoming calls, as well as received and sent messages to subscribers from your contact list.

where is skype history stored

To find where the Skype history is stored, you need to enter the program, “Contacts” or the “Recent” tab and select one or several subscribers, the history of messages with which you are interested.

All conversations are sorted by date.The history of messages in Skype begins with the last communication with the user. If the conversation you are interested in is not visible, then click on the “Show earlier messages” tab at the bottom of the list. You can use the search by entering the name of the dialogue in the appropriate field. To view the messages of all participants in the conversation, just click on it, and to continue the conversation, you need to send a message.

If you need exact text in sent orreceived dialogue, then in the search you need to specify a word from it. To do this, in the "Conversations" menu, select "Search" and press Ctrl + F. In the field that opens, enter the search words. To search the entire history, in the conversation window, select the longest possible period and search.

Skype message history
Skype has a default message historysaved to your computer, so you can access it at any time. If the subscriber to whom you sent an instant message is not online, then such a message will be stored for 30 days. Then he can get it as soon as he appears online.

If you needed to transfer historymessages to another computer, you can do this by restoring files and backing up the chat. Usually this procedure is done when changing or updating the operating system.

Где хранится история Skype для ОС Windows Desktop?Call the "Run" window by pressing Windows + R or using the "Search" button. In the field that appears, type% appdata% Skype and press "Enter". Open the folder whose name corresponds to the username in Skype, and find the file main.db.

Where is the history of Skype for Windows 8?To search history in Windows 8, open Windows Explorer, go to the C: Users AppDataLocalPackagesMicrosoft.SkypeAppLocalstate directory and look for the name of the main.db file.

To save chat history, just copy this.file to portable storage. If you need to transfer history somewhere to a new medium, the program will create the necessary folder itself. But you have to exit Skype and replace the main.db file with the saved one. After entering the program, you can use the saved history.

If you want to re-read the conversation throughsome time, then click on it and select "Mark as unread". So you can find what interests you. The program will notify about this with a special tag.

For more convenient viewing of several conversations, go to the “View” menu and select “Compact View Mode”.

You can hide the conversation history by going to the “View” menu, namely the “Hide Conversation” tab. The reverse action is possible in the "Show hidden conversations" tab.

skype message history

Delete one call or restore ithistory is impossible - the entire archive is removed. If you decide to delete the archive, then go to the menu where Skype history is stored, click "Security" and select "Clear history".

To change the setting in the tab"Security" click "Save History", and from the list provided, select the retention period that suits you. Remember to click on “Save” before exiting.