/ / Additional Warcraft 3 campaigns: Frozen Throne. Description

Additional campaigns for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. Description

Additional campaigns for Warcraft 3:Frozen Throne began to appear almost immediately after the release of the original game. Even after ten years they remain popular. Campaigns are created both by fans and gaming companies. Many of the additional maps are closely related to the plot of the "Ice Throne", some create a completely new universe.

additional campaigns for warcraft 3 frozen throne

General information

Additional campaigns for Warcraft 3:Frozen Throne can create anyone. For this, "Bizard" has released a series of game editors. Understand them easily enough. At the moment there is a Russified version of all such programs. The player is given the opportunity to change the landscape, buildings, abilities of units. Initially, the editors assumed the creation of new maps for conventional battles. However, later functions appeared that allowed creating a plot and changing the mechanics. From the available textures you can make castles and entire cities.

The player can download new skins for characters.It is more difficult to create something new, for example, the abilities of heroes. For their designation in the interface and animation, you can use existing resources.

However, changing the mechanics is quite difficult.Additional campaigns for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne are often related. As a rule, one developer produces several series of maps connected by one plot.

Dawn of the Blood Elves

Quite a popular campaign among fans.The main plot is intertwined with the events of the original game. The campaign will tell about the fate of the blood elves. Total includes twelve chapters. Also six cards are dedicated exclusively to heroes. In them, the player must wade through the forest and fight with magical towers. In the campaign there are many new units, for example, magic golems. They move slowly and are vulnerable to arrows. But at the same time they have great damage in the melee.

maps for warcraft 3 frozen throne

Одним из самых сильных героев является Лортемар.At the maximum level he has a thousand units of health. In the arsenal of eight magical abilities. In the story, he directs the blood elves. Another powerful magician is Keltas. Its advantages are a large stock of mana and speed of movement. After the defeat of Arthas, he lost the trust of the prince.

Among the new maps is present and Outland.This is a barren desert with minimal resources. There is gold, but there are practically no trees. Therefore, it will not be possible to build a large camp. But you can use a large number of heroes.

"Curse of the Outcasts"

The Curses series are additional campaigns.for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne, which intersect with the main plot. The spotlight is Sylvanas. She was also killed by Arthas in the Ice Throne and turned into undead. However, in the Bloody Elves Dawn, she managed to regain her will and free herself from the influence of the Lich King. This campaign will please players with beautiful cards.

game warcraft 3 frozen throne
Some cities consist of hundreds of buildings and look really fascinating. So lovers of large-scale battles "Curse" will like.

Also, the player will meet and familiar characters. Risen King of the Dead, Thrall, Jaina, Varimatas. In the course of the campaign will be an opportunity to play for each of them.

Of particular interest is the King of Terror.This vampire has a lot of skills that he had from the “Rain of Chaos”. Maps for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne suggest partial destruction of the landscape. Therefore, using the abilities of Varimatas gives a spectacular animation.

Card set

In addition to additional campaigns, there ismany individual upgraded cards. They are designed to play in the "Battle" mode. Best to play on the web. For example, the pack "Tomb Raiders" will give the opportunity to play only heroes.

warcraft 3 frozen throne passing

Special attention is paid to inventory and magical abilities. But at the same time there is no economic part of the strategy.

TD lovers will love the special TowerDefense "- maps for Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. Their essence is simple - do not let the enemy reach your source. The path can be blocked by several types of towers: fire, stone, magic. In some versions, you can also create units. You can play as a defender , and for the attacker. Such cards are best suited for playing on the web.


Warcraft 3 game:Frozen Throne has given many popular offshoots. The most famous of them - "DotA". Initially it was an ordinary map, which was installed in the original game. Then she gained worldwide fame.

Created entire Internet sites (like Garena)for playing dota. We used textures from Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne. The passage was to seize the tree of life of the enemy. Each player controls only one hero. Two bases - Good and Evil - are connected by three roads. On them continuously weak units - creeps. For their killing the player gets experience and gold. On each line there are three towers. Two more are guarding the Tree.

In 2010, the company "Valve" bought the rights to the game and created "Dota 2" - one of the most popular games in the world.