/ / Inquired specialties

Inquired specialties

At school everyone was taught that all professions are veryare important and there is none of them that would not be needed by society. However, over time, everyone who has been taught this unspoken truth has realized: the labor market has its own laws and statistics, which suggests that some professions are needed more than others, and are estimated by employers higher.

Required specialties in mostcases are the same in different countries, but there are some differences. Thus, there is a small difference in demand between the US, European and Russian labor markets for the same profession. Next we will consider these differences.

The most popular specialties in Europe and America

At present, software developers are very much appreciated in America. Ubiquitous computerization has led to the fact that this profession is valued almost everywhere, including in Russia and Western Europe.

Specialists with this profile are invited toAmerica from other countries, if they proved in their homeland that they are real masters of their business: preference is given to those candidates who participated in international competitions and won prizes.

Also in America, risk appraisers are in demand,who analyze the statistics of the likelihood of accidents, deaths, illnesses, loss of property due to thefts and natural disasters and similar unpredictable incidents that may cause financial damage to banks and insurance companies. The salary of people with such a profession is great if they do their job well.

And one of the most popular and popularprofessions in America - office managers. They coordinate the work of employees, monitor the material and technical equipment of the office. In fact, it depends on the activities of these people how the work is organized in the company, so their work is highly paid.

In Europe, the labor market is somewhat similar situation: IT specialists and managers with high-quality education are in demand.

Demanded and doctors, the highest salaryhere at anesthesiologists. Nevertheless, European doctors are not deprived in finance. Medical practice takes a lot of strength from a specialist (night shift duties, departure for calls), requires high qualification and responsible attitude to work, therefore this work is paid highly.

Востребованные специальности в Европе are also presented by builders, drivers, security guards and waiters, but this work is paid low in most cases. Only those who have achieved the highest skill in one of these areas, are able to earn a little more than the average representatives of the profession.

The most popular specialties in Russia

As already mentioned above, IT professionals needalmost everywhere, and Russia is no exception. Programmers who own 1C receive higher salaries than web developers, but the latter also have high chances to receive a decent salary.

Востребованные специальности в России, так же, as in America and Europe, are represented by managers, secretaries and other professions, meaning work in the office. Any company needs a secretary who speaks several languages, has a good memory and is able to correctly fill out the documentation and communicate with people. Salaries depend on the responsibility of the secretary, on the scale of the company. Russian managers, as well as American managers, are responsible for organizing the work of the company, so these specialists are very much appreciated.

In addition, the demanded specialties in the Russian labor market are related to three areas of activity: trade, law and accounting.

Trade requires tradeRepresentatives: this is a difficult job, but those who are successful in fulfilling the requirements can receive normal salaries and will always find the already used skills, because there are not enough competent specialists in this area.

Accountants and lawyers are also needed by the Russianbut they do not always succeed in reaching a consensus on the level of wages: applicants value their knowledge and skills higher than employers, this is one of the reasons that these places are often vacant.