/ / What does the labor market start for a job seeker? This is a specialty and its choice

How does the labor market start for a job seeker? This is a specialty and its choice

The current state of the labor market hassignificant differences from what was a few decades and even a few years ago. To date, the labor market is a dynamic sphere that operates in a market economy and varies depending on its needs. Of course, all this creates certain difficulties in choosing a specialty, because it must be in demand on the market.

Previously, the situation was much easier, becauseemployment of citizens was under the jurisdiction of state institutions. In particular, it is a question of distribution, when a young specialist could not worry about giving the first job. Even afterwards, few could have problems with finding employment options.

labor market is

In Soviet times, the labor market is a sphere,which was under the complete control of the state. There were no difficulties in choosing a specialty - if now it is necessary to focus in the first place on those activities that will be in demand, then earlier one could choose what was more like. It should be noted that the modern labor market has not completely abandoned distribution, but now it has ceased to be mandatory, and it can be met infrequently. Promising young professionals can enter into labor contracts even during training. In this case, they pass the practice in the chosen company, often begin work already in the last years of study. The practice is very effective, but it is not widely used to meet all market needs.

regional labor market

Especially popular among young people now enjoylegal and economic specialties, but this trend is gradually disappearing into the past - the reason is that even the regional labor market faces problems in finding such specialists because of their excessive number. As already noted, the labor market is a dynamic structure, and therefore it is natural that an excessive number of job seekers reduces the supply of vacancies. At the same time, on the basis of available vacancies, there are more stringent requirements for applicants, therefore not everyone can find a job.

modern labor market
As for the specialties of the technical profile,now there are many more vacancies on the market than applicants. The problem is that engineering specialties are not such "status", and it's more difficult to study for an engineer. On the other hand, a highly qualified engineer can earn much more than a legal or economic specialist.

Given that the labor market is a non-permanentstructure, over time the situation may change, resulting in the first place in the number of attractive vacancies will come out other segments. This situation indicates that one specialty may not be enough - over time, other skills will be required, not only in the context of professional development, but also in completely different spheres of activity. Constant improvement of their professional and educational level is the key to success for building a successful career.