/ / Occupational safety specialist standard: the main concepts

Occupational safety specialist standard: the main concepts

Each work has its own subtletiesresponsibilities. The occupational standard of the occupational safety specialist includes the necessary rules, which allow to carry out its activities qualitatively. This area is regulated by legislative documents. It is important for a specialist to be able to apply the standard in practice.

professional standard of occupational safety specialists

Such documentation serves as the basis for eachproduction. It regulates the sphere of security, effective activity and quality labor of people. Compliance with the rules allows you to prevent many unpleasant moments.

The concept of

Professional standard of the specialist in the field of labor protection -This is a document approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. It indicates which qualifications the employee should have to perform the work. Each specialist is required by knowledge, skills and experience. The standards are based on a new qualification evaluation system that meets international requirements.

Requirements are not only for security officerslabor. Now there are many different standards for different professions that were adopted in 2016. It is planned to create similar requirements for all employees.

What are the requirements for this?

professional standard of occupational safety specialists

The professional standard of a labor protection specialist is necessary for organizing the activities of each enterprise. The functions of the requirements are set forth in the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • the creation of a personnel management policy;
  • assistance in the development of educational programs for employees;
  • to create professional requirements.

The use of standards makes it possible to make work of high quality. For evasion from the generally accepted rules liability is provided.

Purpose of standards

There are generally accepted norms in every institution.They allow to provide safety and effective work. On their basis, schedules, shifts are determined. All enterprises must work on the basis of the requirements that are necessary for:

  • selection of personnel;
  • management of employees;
  • tariffication of work;
  • approval of wages for his qualifications;
  • creating job descriptions;
  • attestation of employees.

The manager should create suchinstructions that they meet the standards. The mandatory rules include the proper indication of posts. Conducting attestation is also included in the professional standard. A specialist in the field of labor protection must regularly attend training. If the level of knowledge and skills does not correspond to what is necessary, then training is required.

Employees use professional standard

standard of occupational safety in action

The employee must use only the standards in his field. He needs to know the information from the following sections:

  • general information: here are given rules to protect workers against occupational accidents and diseases, as well as recommendations for eliminating hazards;
  • labor functions: the section identifies the requirements for work;
  • characteristics of labor functions: according to the information from this paragraph it will be possible to establish the names of posts, requirements to the employee, his functions;
  • information about the creators of the standard: from this section it will be clear who is the developer of the documentation.

Having studied this information, it is possible to understand what includes the professional standard of the occupational safety specialist.


In his work the specialist must take into account the normslegislation. The standard and handbook include work requirements. In other professions these documents may differ. It should be taken into account TC RF, where it is stipulated that the directory is based on professional standards. Inspections are periodically conducted at enterprises.

A responsibility

It is important for employees to comply with the requirements, otherwiseresponsibility is foreseen. The detected violations can lead to failures in the production process. If they were installed during the inspection by the inspector, a penalty is issued. The standard of the occupational safety specialist in action presupposes other types of responsibility.

When violations of labor law are identified, officials and entrepreneurs will have to pay a large amount. Its size depends on the type of act.

professional standard specialist in the field of labor protection

If the violation is detected again, the officialindividuals pay a large fine. There may be a temporary ban on work for 1-3 years. Often, fines are issued for officials who have allowed an employee to work without education and training. Therefore, when hiring an incompetent person, the responsibility lies with the management of the company.

Professional Standard Security Specialistlabor is needed to create employment contracts, instructions, regulations. It evaluates the suitability of an employee for activity. If the work of the enterprise meets the requirements, no shortcomings will be revealed during the checks.