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How to apply for a job

How to get a job?This question is of concern to millions of people. There are a lot of unemployed now, so there are frequent cutbacks at various enterprises. And if you do not have connections, it may happen that finding an answer to the question of how to get a job without experience or with it will be very difficult. What can you do?

First of all, it is necessary to determine the position, onwhich you want to claim. And then study periodicals, watch ads on the Internet, contact the recruitment agency. If any proposal interests you, you need to copy it to a separate file or simply write information to notepad. In the process of finding the answer to the question of how to get a job, via the Internet, it is always worth paying attention to the black list of employers. And also it is not superfluous to read reviews about companies that offer jobs.

When you have decided on the range of vacancies, you canresume posting. It should be drafted according to all rules. Information on this issue is easy to find on the web. When you send a resume to a particular company, call back and ask if they have received the document. Now you can safely wait for invitations to interview. Of course, they can and do not wait, but we will not even consider such a pessimistic option.

After the first interview, go to the second andthird. Do not immediately agree to the first sentence that comes up. To understand how to get a job, you need to make an informed choice, especially if you have something to choose from.

You must understand that too much depends on how you behave in the interview. Therefore, it is not superfluous to remember a few rules:

- Always appear on it in time.

- Be neat and fresh (pay attention to the hair, face, wardrobe).

- Always smile when meeting a person who is about to interview you.

- To answer the questions firmly and confidently, especially with regard to the question: "Why do you want to work that way with us?".

- If you want to solve the problem of how to get a job without experience, you should convince the HR specialist that you compensate for his absence with the ability and desire to learn.

And now it's time to talk about the mistakes that many people make in interviews, and then they wonder why they were not recruited.

- You can not look at the table, your hands orceiling, you need - only in the eyes of your interlocutor. If you have some problems with establishing eye contact, you can use a simple technique: look at the center of the forehead of the person opposite.

- You can not affirmatively answer allposed questions. You just prove yourself as a dishonest person. However, the HR specialist might also think that you are desperate to seek an answer to the question of how to get a job. You can never lie about your skills and abilities. In the process of work everything will open up, as a result, one can hardly expect something good. You should feel the difference between "deceiving" and "embellishing reality".

- Watch the language of your body.If you all the time pulling a pen in your hands, crouched in a rather uncomfortable position, crossed your arms or legs, then this does not play into your hands. All specialists of the human resources department are well versed in the psychology of man. If you do not know how to get a job properly, you need to take a relaxed (but not imposing) pose, let your hands lie on your lap. Your body should not look tense.

Thus, the answer to the question of how to get settled onwork is not too difficult to find. You just need to really want it. And excuses and nagging are the lot of lazy people who do not want to make any efforts to arrange their future.