/ / How to get an advantage over candidates for a tender specialist?

How to get an advantage over candidates for a tender specialist?

Among the key parameters of applicants for the vacancy of a specialist from the point of view of the employer, there are usually:

  • experience in this position,
  • the availability of theoretical training (that is, education) for this specialty.

However, most applicants either do not havethe required experience in this position, or have overstated salary expectations. And then employers pay close attention to those who have at least theoretical preparedness, since the lack of practical experience is as ephemeral a defect as the youth's excessive youth: it quickly passes with time.

Many of our compatriots naively believe thatfor the employer, only diplomas of higher education in the relevant specialty have value. However, this is not the case at all, otherwise all would work in the specialty acquired in the university. In Russia, a small part of the holders of higher education were employed in accordance with their diploma. The presence of a diploma of higher education speaks only of the fact that the applicant has studied for 4-6 years in general theoretical subjects. At the same time, he passed special training in the amount of 72, 144 or 250 academic hours, or even did not pass at all. That is, he could learn the elementary concepts of sociology, political science, learn to speak in French on secular topics, but do not have knowledge on the basics of the contract system and try to get luck with contract manager in a large state organization.

What to do if you have been studying law for 5-6 yearsor an economist, and you suddenly offered to participate in the selection of a specialist in the implementation of public procurement? Trying to get dressed at random? Still studying for 4 years, getting a second higher education?

Relatively fast, but better in advance,get an advantage over candidates for the vacancy of a specialist, having no experience in this position, nor a diploma of higher education in the required specialty, you can pass an appropriate course of professional development or professional retraining. Especially urgent is the speed of obtaining the required specialty (qualification) of the tender specialist today, when the demand for such specialists is great (the "tender" is an everyday, non-scientific, non-scientific and not legal name for procurement procedures, including contests, auctions, quotes requests and proposals). And this demand on the part of employers will grow in the coming years faster than the supply in the labor market. While your competitors are trying to retrain to a specialist in tenders, getting a second higher education, you can already sign up for advanced training courses on 44-FZ or 223-FZ, or even better - retraining for 44-FZ. To do this, it is sufficient to have one higher education or even a specialized secondary education.

In accordance with the current legislation,the duration of the refresher course is an average of 24 days, and the professional retraining - at least 40 days. In the first case, you will receive a certificate of professional development, in the second case - a diploma of professional retraining. The cost of such training, depending on the number of academic hours, for example in the Interregional Academy of Advanced Studies, ranges from 5900 to 14,900 rubles. Add to them postage costs - and this is all your costs for acquiring undeniable advantages over competitors in the "struggle for the sun." Upon completion of training you will receive a full document confirming your new specialty (qualification).