/ / Military profession in Russia

Military profession in Russia

Thanks to reforms not so long agoinside the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the role of the army in the country has greatly increased. Now the military profession is not only an honorary title and decent pay, but also an expert with excellent training, a good knowledge base and sufficient experience. It is these skills that the Defender of the Fatherland must possess in order to be ready at any moment to defend the freedom and independence of our Motherland.

Military profession: description and content of activity

military profession

Military specialty belongs to the stateservice, the purpose of which is to protect the population from possible interventionists, the retention of territory, human and material resources. Professional soldiers decide or strictly follow the order of the higher command concerning the necessary military operations.

In wartime or in training battlesa high-class specialist should be able to give a clear description of the required number of equipment and the required number of military units. Quickly detect a potential hazard, make a report to the senior management. All actions must be lawful and in full compliance with the statute.

list of military professions

Required skills

The military profession requires the following skills:

  • The ability to organize themselves, as well as rally around other people to complete the task.
  • In difficult situations, it is realistic to assess the situation and quickly take the only right decision.
  • Conduct an analysis of the facts and the situation in order to suggest a possible danger.
  • To be able to drop all secondary thoughts and focus on the required object for the required amount of time.
  • Keep under control your emotional state.

Application area

military professions for girls

The military profession gives you the opportunity to work ingarrisons, units, “hot spots” and take part in peacekeeping missions. Also, the received education allows to work in the court and justice bodies, in the prosecutor's office, at the customs, at strategic facilities and in security organizations. With the presence of experience and the required knowledge, a military specialist is allowed to engage in teaching activities.


Training of specialists for service in the RussianThe army is carried out in higher military educational institutions. The first course is accepted citizens who do not have officer ranks. The term of study in military institutions is 5 years. In the process of obtaining an education, a cadet not only undergoes training in military affairs, but also receives a civil specialty that is close in profile to the chosen profession in the army.

Обучение в вузах осуществляется на контрактной basis. This contract involves the conclusion of an agreement between the institution and the cadet on the passage of military service during the period of study and after its termination within 5 years. The cadets who signed the contract have a monetary allowance exceeding the scholarship in civilian universities many times.

Anyone who has completed the curriculum requirements andsuccessfully passed the state certification, is awarded the rank of lieutenant and the military profession with a qualification level. The received specialty is confirmed by a state diploma.

list of military professions

The main list of military professions

Major specialties in leadership,education, training of soldiers and sailors are considered: posts of commanders of crews, offices, posts, combat crews, etc. The commander simultaneously performs the duties of an educator, organizer and specialist, and also replies:

  • for training, education and military discipline of their subordinates;
  • the moral and psychological state of the soldiers;
  • appearance and drill bearing of his subordinates.

The modern army is completed complexweapons and military equipment, so the list of military professions necessarily includes operator positions. The work of operators of different profiles is to manage, control, transfer and convert information. It is in close cooperation with equipment and weapons.

High mobility of troops directly depends onprofessional training of military drivers. Their activity is based on acquired skills and abilities with the operation of mobile objects. For self-propelled vehicles include: automobile and armored vehicles, railway transport, etc.

Beautiful floor on the defense of the Fatherland

military women professions

Recently, there has been an increasethe interest of young women in becoming an officer. In the Army of Russia, there are already about 40 thousand representatives of the fair half, and some of them have the rank of "colonel".

Female military professions can be obtained in 18universities in our country, however, the selection of candidates as a student is very strict. In the process of learning, they acquire military specialties for the most part of the humanities. Also mastered and military professions for girls related to programming, automation, medicine and communication.

Military professions for girls make it possiblebecome air Amazons, having received education in aviation universities. They are not engaged in flight practice. Training of cadets is to master the military specialty "Metrology". As experience shows, it is women who become highly qualified specialists in this field.

For those who want to get lieutenantepaulettes, the doors to naval institutions are open. All graduates of such establishments receive a specialty as a signalman and continue to serve in various parts of the Russian Navy as officers.