Sociology is the science of society.This narrow definition has a vast scope. Everything that is connected with man and society is in the zone of close study and interest of this fairly young branch of knowledge.
A specialist who received a higher profileeducation in sociology and studying society, its social strata, institutions and groups - a sociologist. In which spheres of professional practice can a sociologist apply his or her education? What can he do in life? Sociology - what kind of profession? And what level of income can a representative of this sphere have? We will try to answer these and other questions.
Who is a sociologist?
Sociologist - a specialist who received a profile higher education.

Teaching in the system of higher education is the direct purpose of a sociologist.

Demand Analysis Expert
For any organization, it is important to understand the objectives andtasks of activity. And for some social institutions it is impossible to exist without statistical data on the state of society. Analysis of these data provides sociology. What professions does she "feed"?
- Government institutions.Without knowledge of the structure of society, public inquiries, statistical indicators of the development of the economy and the whole of society as a whole, it is impossible to operate state institutions - politics, power, law, jurisdiction.
- Commercial organizations. It is clear that a day the commercial organization will not be able to function without assessing the market, its capacity, resources, analysis of the requests of target groups.
- Non-profit organizations.Non-profit organizations that have the goal of producing socially significant goods are the first in the list of interested economic operators. And here comments are not required.
As we can see, virtually all participants in the economic space feel the need for the services of professional sociologists.
Wages of specialist sociologist
In an ideal variant, the salary serves as the form of compensation for socially significant activity.

If the degree is "sociology", what kind of profession can be elected after graduation? In which areas of social practice will the specialist of this profile find?
Sociology: what kind of profession?
Marketer, analyst, head of departmentinformation management - these specialists have a high need for modern employers. And these are all professional sociologists. For them, the field of application of knowledge is unlimited.

Interest in the knowledge of society and the laws of itsdevelopment is an element of a common human culture. Since without this knowledge it is impossible to adequately assess the prospects for the development of the personality in him. And the role of the sociologist is noble in its essence. His knowledge is the golden key to the secrets of society and the strategy of success!