/ / The governess is .... The meaning of the word "governess". What is the job of a governess?

A governess is .... The meaning of the word "governess". What is the job of a governess?

Nanny governess
When you read or hear the word "governess", theneach person has quite definite associations. I do not know who has what, but for me the governess is first and foremost the literary images of Mary Poppins and Lady Freken Bock, created by the wonderful writers Pamela Travers and Astrid Lindgren.

These two images determine what should and should notthere must be a governess for the child. It will be objected to me that Freken Bock is a housekeeper. I will not argue. But her relationship with the Kid is a very vivid and figurative example of how a hired worker, no matter what his name is, should not communicate with the child!

The meaning of the word "governess", or what the governess should do

Quite often parents who are thinking about hiringgovernesses, do not represent, in what a difference between the nurse, the housekeeper and the governess. In the representation of such parents, all employees of the above specialties must deal with the child, go shopping with a list of stores, clean up the apartment, prepare dinner and feed the baby.

This idea of ​​the governess's work is incorrect.A governess or governess is a specialist involved in the development and upbringing of a child, in contrast to a nanny, whose task is to look after and care for the child, to ensure his safety. But let's look at the dictionaries and see how they interpret the meaning of the word "governess".

What do dictionaries and encyclopedias write?

Work as a governess
So, according to the Small Academic Dictionary, a governess is a teacher in bourgeois and noble families, usually a foreigner who is hired for the upbringing and home education of children.

In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia givenThe following definition: “The governess, tutor (French gouvernante, gouverneur, from gouverner -“ to lead, manage ”) are home tutors, mentors of children in noble or bourgeois families. In Russia, they became widespread in the 18-19 centuries. ”

Considering how the word “governess” is explained in dictionaries, the meaning of the term could be interpreted as follows: this is a person who controls and educates children according to the requirements of their parents.

A similar approach was quite appropriate in the 18-19 centuries.Then the nurse was engaged in the health and upbringing of the children, while the governess played the role of a teacher-tutor, teaching the pupil the rules of etiquette, norms of behavior in society and foreign languages.

Today, when young mothersbuild a career, and young grandmothers continue it successfully, most families are ready to hire a specialist who will be engaged in both the upbringing and development of the child. But before you start a search, you should decide on what the work of a governess with your child will be and what qualities such an employee should possess.

We make up the requirements for the governess. Governess for a child of preschool age

Governess value
First of all, think about the age of your child.If the baby is from 3 to 5 years old, then you need a specialist who will not only educate and train, but will also be able to provide care for his student. That is, the work of a governess will consist not only in various educational games and activities with your child, but also in changing clothes and washing, warming up food and feeding your child. Such a governess is a specialist who knows well the peculiarities of the age psychology and physiology of children, and is capable of giving the child the necessary knowledge in a playful and entertaining way.

It is also important for what time you plan to hirespecialist. So, if your child goes to a preschool institution, and the governess will take him and engage in the development of the child and his preparation for school - then you need a governess with a special, preferably pre-school pedagogical education.

If the main work of a governess with your child- transporting him from a kindergarten or a circle to the house and not waiting for parents to work, it does not matter whether the governess has a higher education or not. The most important thing in this case is that the governess has the experience and skills to work with children and care for them, be positively disposed and have good and trusting relationships with the child. The specialist is invited to a specific number of hours each day, in most cases in the afternoon.

When for some reason a child cannotto attend a preschool institution, then you need to look for a specialist for 6-8 hours, that is, for the whole day. The work of a governess with such a working day will consist in the observance of the daily routine of the child, the organization of his meals, the maintenance of cleanliness and the establishment of order in everything that concerns him.

The work of a governess with school children
Governess for a child

Если гувернантка занимается с a school child, her main tasks will be the preparation of lessons, the “pulling up” of subjects for which difficulties arise, as well as the joint fulfillment of various household duties with the pupil that are established for him in the family.

In addition, the duties of the governess include, if it is spelled out in the contract and it is necessary, to accompany and meet the child from school, sections, circles or after taking classes with a tutor.

Of great importance in the work of a governess are her abilities in teaching a child to think, to work with information, to develop his desire to acquire new knowledge.

Not the main, but very useful skills of a governess

In the event that the governess has anyadditional specialization, for example, owns several foreign languages, acting skills or playing any musical instrument, then at the request of parents and an agreement with a specialist additional classes with the child in the field of specialization of a tutor or governess are possible.

Meaning of the word governess
In addition to the responsibilities for the upbringing and education of the child, the compatibility of the governess with you, your ideas about the upbringing and educational process is important.

It is important that the person you envisionhire, caused you only positive emotions and confidence. Usually the governess is invited to a child aged 3 years and older. Your child may well express his opinion about the specialist, especially if you ask him about it!

What is the work of a governess?

one.First of all, she cares about the physical and mental well-being of your child, monitoring compliance with the daily regimen and nutrition, alternation of periods of vigorous activity and peace, peculiarities of relationships with peers and teachers.

2. Is engaged in the comprehensive development of the child, including its intellectual, physical and emotional development.

3. Controls and corrects intellectual or physical development, knowledge and skills in various subjects at school or in preschool institutions.

Governess this
4. Communicates with teachers, educators, heads of studios and circles, tracking the progress and the level of achievement of his pupil.

4. He takes the child to classes in circles, sections or additional educational institutions, responsible for his life, health and safety.

5. If it is provided for in the contract, the governess may hold special classes in a particular area, for example, to teach the child foreign languages ​​or drawing.

This, of course, is a very general scheme of what the work of a governess is. In each case and a specific family will have its own characteristics and nuances.

We wish you that the governess you found has become not only your assistant, but also a loyal friend, a tender teacher and a favorite teacher of the child throughout his childhood!