Today we will find out what feedback getsMobile Element employees. This organization has recently left a lot of announcements about recruitment. Can't it just be like that, right? Any reasons for this phenomenon should still be. And before contacting this company in search of further cooperation, it will be necessary to study the opinions of its employees. Perhaps this institution should be avoided?

What does
But before you study employee feedback"Mobile Element", it is necessary to generally understand what this organization does. Maybe the vacancies are not suitable for you, just like the activities of the company.
Mobile Element is nothing more than a storecellular communications and technology. Here you can buy SIM cards of different operators, as well as mobile phones and accessories for them. In general, this company is the most common cellular salon, where you can ask for help. But what do employees think about his activities? Is it worth getting here?
The next point to consider whenemployment, this is placed job. The fact of the matter is that for them Mobil Element employee feedback is even more or less positive. Companies are required, as a rule, cashiers and sales managers. These jobs themselves do not imply any specific responsibilities and tasks.

In general, in terms of proposed posts forMobil Element’s employment is exactly the same as its competitors. Is that their ads look more attractive. After all, our firm today is trying with all its might to lure applicants to itself. How does job placement go? What kind of work in Mobile Element really gets employee feedback?
The first meeting
It all starts with an interview.Already at this stage often there is no desire to become part of a company. But in the case of "Mobile Element" everything is more or less normal. The thing is that at the first conversations, in the opinion of the majority of the corporation’s employees, you will have a dialogue with you in a friendly atmosphere.
At the interview to the head office of the company,located in your city, will have to bring a resume. If for some reason it is missing, it does not matter. Employee reviews about the Mobile Element company are often underlined by the fact that even a schoolboy is willing to find a job. This means that you may not have any higher education and resume.

During the conversation, you will be asked to fill out a form.the applicant. It is a common process for employment. You do not need to be afraid, they will not require any special knowledge from you. So, you can say that after the interview you will definitely want to join the Mobile Element. But is it worth doing?
Training and experience
Mobil Element Group of Employees is no longer so radiant and starts to receive feedback immediately after a potential employee is admitted to the staff. Why it happens?
Например, виной всему стажировка и обучение.These events take about 10 days from a person. Of course, they are not paid. The first half of the day you sit on training, spend the second in practice. And so all 10 days. Home come no earlier than midnight, because the internship lasts until 23:00. Long, is not it?
Plus, nothing during this will not be taught a new way. Just tell and show what product and how to sell. In cases where you have already worked as a manager in the cellular salon, you could skip this step. But according to the rules of the company this cannot be done. It turns out that you already spend about a third of a month on a process that is useless for you. And this kind of event explains the negative feedback from Mobil Element employees. However, this kind of training may still seem useful to a schoolboy starting his career.

Work schedule is generally a separate topicwhich causes outrage to applicants very often. And "Mobile Element" staff reviews (St. Petersburg and other cities) in this sense, earns are not particularly good.
Why is this happening?Perhaps, those who have already tried to find a job in some cellular communication salon know that they will initially talk about flexible and convenient working hours. In the “Mobile Element” you can choose options 2/2, 5/2, 3/2 or in general work on shifts, part-time. In principle, these are very good alternatives. The duration of the working day will be 8 hours. That will be spelled out in the contract.
But in practice, everything is somewhat different.For example, reviews of employees of Mobile Element quite often underline the fact that the chosen work schedule is constantly violated. Especially if you are new to the company. The working day will be 12–14 hours without overtime, and you will most likely be called every day to replace you. No stability and compliance with the conditions specified in the contract. This is a strong argument to refuse to cooperate with the company.

Social guarantees
According to many Mobil employeesThe element ", such a concept as" social guarantees "is not in this corporation. Initially, they will be promised to you. Only in practice, everything will turn out approximately the same as with the work schedule. The terms of the contract are constantly violated.
For example, there is no lunch break.Officially, you have the right to spend an hour on the meal, just agree with your team, who and how much substitutes for each other. True, if the authorities notice your absence, you will be reprimanded. The workplace is, of course, forbidden. Maximum - a cup of coffee or tea, which will be hidden somewhere under the cash register in the store.
Holidays and paid holidays are generallysomething unbelievable for Mobile Element. Employees assure: you will not achieve either one or the other. The maximum that shines for you is the output at your own expense. If you were able to interrogate leave, you will not receive any payments. You will pay for everything from your pocket. Hospitals are paid scanty, and even with a huge delay. Sometimes it's even easier to take time off at your own expense to improve your health.

Если вы – девушка, которая планирует в скором time to start a family, forget about working in the Mobile Element. For you, according to many employees, in this case it is just a waste of time. Maternity company does not pay, and the "young" take with great reluctance. If it turns out that a woman is pregnant, the management will surely find a way to “push” her from the workplace, contrary to the law. This is such a "Mobile Element". Although this kind of events are observed not only in this employer.
"Mobile Element" staff reviews (Moscow isor another city - it does not matter) the worst comes in terms of wages. Initially, you will be promised a "white" earnings, and even very good. The sales manager in the company receives about 15–20 thousand rubles. Tempting, isn't it? Plus, this amount can add a variety of premium and percentage of sales. Of course, all this can attract new applicants to the organization.
Only after employment it turns out thatyour salary documents range from 8,000 to 10,000 rubles, that is, it is within the subsistence minimum in your area. Already a hoax, where are the promised 15-20 thousand? It turns out that one cannot count on a normal salary.
About premium and percentage of sales in general can beto forget. They are either not charged, or deducted for a variety of faults and errors under the guise of fines. Many employees admit: earnings on the distribution of the most ordinary leaflets on the street under the guise of promoters and then more than in the "Mobile Element".

The Penalties
Perhaps we should not forget that every company hasThere is a “stick” to maintain order in the workplace. Employees of Mobile Element emphasize that punishment and fines are common in this company.
By the way, for which they will impose on you, you can onlyto guess. The management distributes them, so to speak, by mood. Late? Fine. Are you having lunch? Not allowed, fine. Did not go to work? Punishment. In general, according to the majority of workers, settling in "Mobile Element", be prepared for the fact that approximately 60% of your earnings are guaranteed to go to pay "debts" to the company. Guide will find where to find fault. As you can see, Mobile Element is far from being the best employer. He has already been blacklisted in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Maybe in your city, he is also there?