/ / Strengths of the character in the resume, and how to describe them correctly

Strengths of character in the resume, and how to describe them correctly

As soon as a person finishes his studies, before himthe question arises of how to get a job. To some, of course, lucky, they have certain connections. And you can get a job for them without describing your strengths and weaknesses in your resume. However, a smart employer will never take the burden in the form of an incompetent employee. It is very important not to embellish yourself in the resume, but to write the truth. Otherwise, you can face problems due to an unnecessarily good description of yourself.

The Importance of Resume

Let's imagine that in search of work we come acrossinteresting post for us. Salary, place of work and everything else suits you. You apply, and you are asked to send a description of yourself. You write it with joy, describe your strengths of character in your resume. Writing right there, without a preview, sends to the employer and wait for letters with an invitation for an interview. But it does not come, it's because you made it wrong. Not all people are able to present themselves, and, of course, in most cases, their resume goes out, to put it mildly, not very high-quality and intriguing.

Do not treat the resume as a toilet paper. To write it is necessary it is short, a maximum in two pages, and it is better one. The article describes useful tips for compiling a resume and the main mistakes in it.

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Rules of compilation

It is best to do this on a cold head,carefully considering all the words. Remember that by reading your resume, the employer evaluates you on the basis of what is written on paper. And the more concise the text, the more chances you have for getting into a full-time interview. If you want to remain an outsider, you can greatly exaggerate your strengths of character in the resume.

Tips for writing a resume:

  1. Remember all your positive qualities.Carefully select the most useful ones from them and write on a piece of paper. Compare the specifics of the proposed work and your personal qualities. What is the most suitable, then write in the summary.
  2. Work experience in other companies.As briefly describe your merits in the work for some companies. For example, how you optimized the workflow by increasing the company's profit by 13%. Or you as you have acquired the skill of communicability or a good speaker.
  3. Do not overdo it with the design. Do not need any underscores or fanciful fonts. Write in standard fonts and highlight only the most important ones.
  4. Show your family and friends, let them appreciate.
Employer and employee

What to write about yourself

It is important to structure the information to make it easier for the employer to read. This a priori gives you an advantage over other applicants.

  1. Your full name with the date of birth.
  2. What do you want from the office, what is the purpose of the device to work.
  3. Leave your own contacts. For example, a personal phone number or mail.
  4. Family status.
  5. Experience in similar companies with a description of personal achievements.
  6. Your dignity, below is presented, how to write them competently.
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Strengths of the character in the resume: examples

If you do not have them in this directionactivity, but it is urgent to get settled there, look for it. Something yes there. Every person is naturally talented in something. It is worth to understand what your craft is, and start to do it. Otherwise, you are condemning yourself to a dull, boring life in the wrong place and not with those people. A person who does not have the ability to present himself refers to similar articles. Strengths of character in the resume - sample:

  1. Remember your past.Each person is unique, try to analyze the situation from your experience. How you behaved in extreme situations, communicated with different people. For example, remember the student years and what place you occupied in the team. There was a starosta - responsibility; led groups - humor, charisma, innate optimism; an honors pupil - the mind, ability to learn, logic, good memory; activist - flexibility of thinking, high emotional intelligence.
  2. In which field of activity are you asproductive. Imagine: you like to surf the Internet. Oddly enough, this is also a positive quality. You are distinguished by the rapid capture of information, but do not keep it in mind for a long time. You quickly analyze, have a clip thinking that speeds up the decision-making process. Find a positive quality can be absolutely everything. Another example: you are a lover of online games. I can safely say about you: you are trying to be better than yesterday. After all, this is the specificity of online games - always evolve.
  3. Pass the personality tests. Here you don’t have to think too much, your results will be your negative and positive qualities.

The modern world is a world of people who know how.to present. Sociability, erudition, leadership qualities - that's what a person should combine. And this is especially necessary in the field of marketing and sales.

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Character strengths in the seller's resume

In our usual sense, the seller is an aunt.Zina from a nearby shop. However, this is not the case. The seller can be called any person presenting the goods for the purpose of its sale. And for successful sales, the seller must have a certain warehouse of character and temperament. Its distinctive features: responsiveness, openness, interpersonal skills, the ability to get along with people and show themselves and the product from the best side.

Поэтому не каждый человек может стать продавцом, but if you really need, you can try. First of all write down the strengths of the character in the resume, it is not necessary to send it to the employer. Consider how your quality can help you in your sales. For example, you are extremely punctual pedant. In the summary, you can write "I think well and give change without errors. With me you will not have problems in the shortage of money or goods."

Job interview


Try not to exaggerate your strengths.character in the resume. And always write only the truth, structure your description of yourself. In case of success, a resume will be called to a personal meeting. The main thing, do not worry, they should understand - you are a professional in your business. Even if in fact it is not.