The sales representative is very populara post recently. It is explained the increased demand for such employees is very simple. The development of trade relations and reaching a new level of production involve the search for new solutions to promote their goods and services. Therefore, today everyone can find a job as a sales representative, however, there are some peculiarities in this profession.
The work of the sales representative is,first of all, in establishing intermediary relations between the supplier company and retail outlets, or between wholesalers and retailers. The sales representative not only promotes the products using different methods of sales, but also works with the client base. He must develop and strengthen the number of potential customers, as well as accept orders for deliveries, in addition, guarantee the timing of such orders. In addition, the sales representative is a financially responsible person, since he is fully or partially responsible for paying for the goods.
Required skills
When hiring a sales representativethe most frequent question that arises concerns his ability to drive a car. In general, employers prefer to take employees on a personal car, but there are exceptions when the employee is issued an official car with the company logo.
The necessary psychological skill of the candidate forthe position of the sales representative is the willingness to make quick decisions, since the work is connected with communication. Ability to conduct business negotiations, understand the interlocutor, as well as analyze his needs, use effective communication techniques. Good sales representatives should be punctual, in addition, should have an idea of the basic principles of time management. They should be able to plan their working hours, make up optimal travel routes and get the maximum benefit from the negotiations.
Advantages and disadvantages of the profession
Salary for sales representatives is calculatedfrom the constant salary and interest for the quantity of the goods sold. It is both a plus and a minus of the given trade, as on the one hand the prospect of additional earnings opens, but with another - there is no confidence in the stability of labor payment. The possibility of good career growth in just 1-2 years is an undeniable advantage of the work of the sales representative. The main disadvantage of the work of a sales representative is a non-standard schedule, as well as the complexities that accompany any work related to communication. These are stresses and unexpected controversial situations. To avoid such shortcomings, the employees conduct training before starting work.