Who wrote "Buratino"?This question will be answered by the majority of readers of all ages living in the post-Soviet space. "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino" is the full title of the fairy tale written by the Soviet classic Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy, after the story of Pinocchio's Adventures by Carlo Collodi.

Since the advent of the tale of Tolstoy begandisputes - what is it, transcription, retelling, translation, literary treatment? Back in emigration in 1923–24, Aleksey Nikolayevich decided to translate Collodi’s fairy tale, but other ideas and ideas captured him, and the vicissitudes of his personal fate were taken away from the children's book. By Pinocchio Tolstoy returns ten years later. The time was different, life circumstances changed - he returned to Russia.
Tolstoy just suffered a heart attack and tooka short time-out in the hard work on the Chronicle trilogy. And an amazing thing, he begins with the exact following of the storyline of the original source, but gradually moves further and further away from him, so if he was the one who wrote Pinocchio, or it was a modified Pinocchio, one can argue that is what literary scholars do. The writer did not want to make his story thoroughly moralizing, as was the case with Collodi. Alexey Nikolaevich himself recalled that at first he tried to translate an Italian, but it turned out to be boring. He pushed him to a radical alteration of this plot S. Ya. Marshak. The book was completed in 1936.

И делает Толстой Буратино и его друзей совершенно other than the heroes of the tale of Pinocchio. The author wanted readers to feel the spirit of fun, games, adventurism. I must say, he succeeds. Thus, the plot lines of the hearth painted on the old canvas, the mysterious door hidden under it, the golden key that the heroes are looking for, and which should open this mysterious door, appear.
This is not to say that there is no fairy tale at all.moralizing maxims. The one who wrote Buratino was no stranger to them. Therefore, the wooden boy teaches and cricket, who lives in the papal chamber of Carlo (useless!), And the girl Malvina, who, moreover, locks the guilty hero into the closet. And like any boy, a wooden man tries to do everything in his own way. And learns solely from their mistakes. That is how he falls into the paws of crooks - the fox of Alice and the cat Basilio - wanting a quick enrichment. The famous field of Wonders in the Land of Fools is probably the most famous fairytale metaphor, although not the only one, the Golden Key itself is worth something too!
The plot line of Carabas-Barabas, the exploiterdolls who want to find a secret door, takes our heroes to this secret door, behind which is a brand new puppet theater "Lightning". Happy puppet men will learn, and in the evenings to play performances in it.

Popularity has fallen on Tolstoy incredible.The children did not think about who wrote Buratino, they read the book with pleasure, and it was only republished 148 times in the USSR, was translated into many languages of the world, and was screened many times. The first film adaptation was released in 1939, A. Ptushko became the director of the film.
The tale of Tolstoy is also interesting for adults.A masterful stylist and mocker, the author refers us to the Fonvizinsky "Nedoroslyu" (Pinocchio lesson, a task with apples), the dictation that the hero writes is the Fet palindrome: "And the rose fell on Azor's paw" Nemirovich-Danchenko, then on Meyerhold, and on the fact that Pierrot was written off from A. Blok, many literary critics cite.
A happy Soviet childhood passed with the Golden Key toffee and the Pinocchio soda, now I would call it a promoted brand.
And as before, children and parents read and reread a fairy tale that teaches good without tedious edification.