So it is difficult to choose books that are worthread. With the spread of the Internet and electronic reading devices, literary abundance has fallen on us. But for each masterpiece, as a rule, there are 3 - 4 books that should not even have been opened. Therefore, we offer you our sample - these works may or may not like them, but after reading them, at least, there is no desire to wash your hands, wishing that you can’t just wash your brains to erase unnecessary memories.

Books worth reading for everyone
1. "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik" by J. Hasek.
2. "The Master and Margarita" and "Theatrical Novel" by M. Bulgakov.
3. "Lolita" by V. Nabokov.
4. “Portrait of Dorian Gray” by O. Wilde.
5. “The Twelve Chairs” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.
6. “The night is tender,” F.S. Fitzgerald.
7. “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Autumn of the Patriarch” by G. G. Marquez.
8. “The Gulag Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn.
9. "Three Musketeers" A. Dumas.
10. Odyssey of Homer.
11. "Plague" A. Camus.
12. "Crime and Punishment" F. Dostoevsky.
13. "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky.
14. “Lord of the Flies” W. Golding.
15. “The Catcher in the Rye” by D. D. Selinger.
Это список книг, которые стоит прочитать каждому man, and in the comments they do not need. Each of these works is loved by millions of readers, so getting to know them is at least for educational purposes.
Detective books worth reading
1. "The curve house" A. Christie. The book is taken as an example, this is the rare case when the author can read all the works.
2. “A trap for Cinderella” S. Zhaprizo. About how vile is female friendship.
3. "Sherlock Holmes" A. K. Doyle. Classics of the genre.
4. "Red Dragon" by T. Harris. One of 4 books about Hannibal Lector.
5. “Murder on the street Morgue” E. A. Po. Monsieur Dupin demonstrates his brilliant analytical skills.

Books worth reading to fans of the fantasy genre
1. “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit” by J. R. Tolkien. No comments.
2. “Wizard with a guitar” A.D. Foster. One of the best humorous and adventure books of the fantasy genre. A world where all animals are intelligent and live side by side with people.
3. "Day of the Triffids" D. Wyndham. All people are blind, with the exception of rare lucky ones who are watching how the familiar world collapses.
4. "It" S. King. Mysticism and horrors. Murder and creepy clowns.
5. “The Color of Magic” by T. Pratchetta. Enjoy the unique humor and style of this author.
Modern books that are worth reading to all fans of fiction
1. “The Life of Insects” by Pelevin. People are insects. The idea is not new, but the author has managed to present it in a new light.
2. "Archmage" A. Rudazov.The first book of the unfinished cycle, while of 8 works. Fans of Lovecraft will recognize many characters, although the genre direction is completely different. It is worth reading in order to get acquainted with the main character - an arrogant Sumerian magician with a disgusting character.
3. "True enemies" O. Gromyko. Fairy tale, but very vital. A little about werewolves and magicians, a little about love and betrayal.
4. “The Dresden Record” by D. Butcher. The best urban fantasy. Many different evil spirits, from evil demons to vampires, and a lot of battles.
5. "Harry Potter" - all books, J. Rowling. Despite the abundance of imitators, the original is still better.
Most of these works are found in various tops and book ratings, which means that they at least deserve attention.