In 1987, the movie “Dirty Dancing” thundered all over the world - the audience liked it and brought a good income to its creators.

Where is this actress now and why is this the only famous film with her participation - you can find out in the article below.
Actress Jennifer Gray is a unique case forHollywood. We all know that appearances are crucial in his cruel world. At the same time, what is most interesting, to be beautiful is not at all the most important thing. The main factor here is the memorability of the appearance, a kind of zest, which makes it different from others.
Jennifer Gray was not the standard of beauty, but withthis was present in her something touching, sweet and girlish, which you can not buy for money. But, like most girls, she wanted to become beautiful. In her opinion, her own nose prevented her most of all in this - it did not fit into the framework of the existing standards of beauty. That is what killed her.
Biography of Jennifer Gray
The actress was born in the family of a dancer and actor Joel Gray and singer Joe Wilder in 1960 on March 26th.

Paternal girl was a granddaughtercomedian Mickey Katz. In general, all members of the family of the young actress were gifted not only with stage talents, but also with a specific appearance. In truth, no one except for Jennifer Gray, whose photos were only frustrating for her, did not worry about this. The shape of the nose in the family has not prevented anyone from making a career.
The first success of the actress
The girl became a student of drama school acting. Soon the talented actress was heard in Hollywood, where they began to give her small roles.
The first films with Jennifer Gray are “Red Dawn”, where she played on the set with beginner Patrick Swayze, “Reckless” and “The Club” by Francis Ford Coppola.
For 3 years, the young actress worked onsecondary roles - others she did not get it. Among the Hollywood divas popular at that time, Jennifer Gray stood out with the shape of her nose — he didn’t respond at all to the established canons of beauty. She was on trial in the picture “Dance of the Flash” in 1987, but there she was told that she had a Jewish appearance too. There were even such tests where the girl was allowed to enter the threshold - this is Zeffirelli's “Infinite Love”. The explanation sounded very unpleasant: according to the assistant director, the film needs a beautiful actress, and not one like Gray.
Apogee career Jennifer Gray
In 1987, she received a role in the film "Dirty Dancing."

The plot of the film "Dirty Dancing"
What is so fond of viewers of the whole world this film?
Сюжет его разворачивается в золотые 60-е, а it was in 1963. Together with her parents, the main character of a 17-year-old film comes on vacation to a resort hotel. A naive little spoiled by her parents, Francis, nicknamed Baby from a wealthy family, meets a local gigolo, Johnny, a real professional dancer at the resort. In the story, the young Baby should learn how to dance in a short time - in order to save her friends.
The film "Dirty Dancing", Jennifer Gray in whichplayed the very Francis, with the performances of dances in the style of rhythm-and-blues in our time looks very worthy, even though the dances in it do not seem so erotic as in the late 80s. To learn to dance, Baby became a student of Johnny, the main character, and not only in dances, but also in feelings.
This film is about love that happenedno time, inappropriate, between people who can never be together. Its atmosphere consists of beautiful music, beautiful rhythms of romance. An integral part of the film is the truth of life, when some can rest, while others serve them. The surprisingly harmonious duet of actors Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze adds pleasant colors to the film.
Thanks to the appearance in the life of a sweet and naive babydance, in her well-established rhythm of life break erotic notes. Thanks to the fresh colors of the music, she has the opportunity to feel like an adult woman. As a result of learning to dance, Johnny taught Baby not only to move gracefully and keep his posture, but also to feel confident, to go through life without lowering his head.
Jennifer Gray after plastic surgery
The appearance on the screens of this film made Jennifer Gray, however, as well as from Patrick Swayze, the star of a world scale.

Jennifer Gray after plastic surgerygot a perfectly beautiful face, such as there are thousands in Hollywood. But the spectators, her friends and relatives could not recognize her, because the result was a different face. The actress of the offer was being shot as if from a cornucopia after “Dirty Dances”, but when the directors and producers saw her, they simply refused her.
Career Jennifer Gray after rhinoplasty
Francis Ford Coppola, who called the girlto appear in his new picture, he told her: “With your new face, you will begin a completely different biography and you have to start all over again. You need the new “dirty dancing” as the air, because now you have become a fiction. ”

As a result, her further career was formed.unsuccessfully. She had to agree to episodes and minor roles. Her works rarely received any resonance from critics or viewers. In 1989, she starred in the comedy "The Bloodhounds from Broadway," for which Madonna received the anti-prize "Golden Raspberry." She even got the lead role in the film “Wind” about the prestigious sailing regatta, but the film failed.
The life of an actress on television screens
More successful was the work of the actress in television dramas: “Criminal Justice” and “Murder on Mississippi”, as well as in the television movie “West Side Waltz”, in the thriller “The Case of Murder”.

In 2001, Jennifer Gray became the wife of actor Clark Gregg and bore him a daughter Stella. She returned to work only in 2006, starring in the melodrama “The Whale” and in the comedy “The Road to Christmas”.
Jennifer Gray after the plastic surgery said: "I went into the operating room with a star, but I went out with no one." Rhinoplasty actress considers its biggest mistake in life.
Helping viewers to accept the “new” Jennifer Gray after her plastic surgery helped her to participate in the project “Dancing with the Stars” in 2010, where she won the final of the show.