/ / The film "Collector": reviews, actors, plot

The film "Collector": reviews, actors, plot

In 2016, the movie was released "Collector". Reviews of viewers and critics about the picture of a huge number. Someone long-awaited premiere disappointed, someone was delighted with the film. However, most reviews of the film "Collector" positive. After all, the main role was played by the favorite of millions of Russian viewers - Konstantin Khabensky.

film collector reviews


In reviews about the film "Collector" viewers often stress specificity of the film.In the story there is only one character. There are other heroes, but they do not see their faces. For seventy minutes, a cynical bank collector is trying to solve a sudden problem. Events take place in his office.

Arthur, that is the name of the main character,works with large debtors. His superiors value him highly. Not surprising. After all, Arthur knows how to make the debt of even the most cold-blooded bank client repay. In telephone conversations with your "wards" he does not use obscene language, does not threaten and does not violate the law. Arthur uses sophisticated methods of psychological impact. But also these methods "knocking out" debts do not go unpunished.

One day an unsightly video appears on the web withArthur's participation. The content of it instantly becomes known to all the familiar collectors. In a matter of hours, he turns from a respected person into a loser. A friend who, even in the first frames of the film, invited him to her exhibition, stops communicating with him. Arthur's personal secretary refuses to help him because of fear of dismissal. But who posted a compromising video on the Internet?

Once Arthur brought одного из крупных должников до самоубийства.The unfortunate committed suicide, unable to find the necessary amount. The inconsolable widow has created a plan for brutal revenge. She not only published a video that could destroy the reputation of her enemy. The woman made Arthur a monstrous proposal: she will delete the record after when he, like her husband, will commit suicide.

collector film 2016

Clever and resourceful collector, of course, notwent to these conditions. He does not have much time to search for information about the person whose death he is accused of. Perhaps, it is this information that will help to solve the problem, which in just a few hours destroyed his personal and professional life. As for the video, it's just a montage. By the way, the audience did not know about its content, which explains the negative reviews about the film "Collector".

Arthur manages to establish the truth.The former debtor did not commit suicide at all. He dramatized his death in order to leave his unloved wife. Friends of the protagonist soon realize that the video is mounted. Arthur again has friends and work. But for the hours that he held a all alone, he looked at his life differently.

The protagonist leaves the office. On the street is waiting his woman, who could not believe inbetrayal of her husband. It is much easier for her to blame for her troubles in the collector (which, it is worth saying, just a few minutes from the negative character turned in positive). In the last episode, a woman shoots at him. Plot "Collectors"As you can see, it's pretty simple. Another, perhaps, can not be a script for a film with just one character in it.

collector film actors

The actors of the film "Collector"

Throughout the film, the protagonist conducts dialogue: with his girlfriend, with the head, with the employee veterinary clinic and so on. These characters, as already mentioned, do not appear on the screen. They are voiced by investigators actors:

  • E. Styachkin.
  • AND. Zolotovitsky.
  • P. Agureev.
  • T. Lazarev.
  • N. Tyunin.
  • TO. Buravskaya.
  • D. Frost.

Producer "Collectors" - Alex Krasouski, famous for his paintings "Revelations", "Freud's method". He is also the author of the script.

collector plot

From the history of creation

The first telephone conversation is the protagonist of the film "Collector" (2016) conducts with the attending physician of one of his clients. Arthur somehow learns that the debtor passes a gastroscopy, then he calls the doctor. Gastroscopy - procedure rather unpleasant, painful. The collector distracts from the work of the doctor, thereby causing the debtor light physical pain at a distance. Then, after a few minutes, he calls the customer and intensifies the unpleasant sensations of his amazing awareness about his personal life. He manages to get the debt repaid. Very soon the client transfers to the bank score a large amount.

It is noteworthy that this detail in the story came to Krasovsky in the head after passing a gastroscopy. The doctor was distracted by a telephone conversation, and director In the meantime, I visited the idea of ​​creating a film personality, a master of virtuosic psychological pressure.

collector director


On shooting The film spent just over 700 thousand dollars. According to the filmmakers "Collector" (2016), it was not easy to find investors. Many scared off a scandalous topic "debt collectors". It was difficult to find consultants in the picture. Employees collection agencies reacted with distrust to the idea of ​​Krasovsky and did not seek to tell the director about the nuances of their work. Yet shooting the group managed to get professional advice.

Reviews of the movie "Collector"

Critics reacted favorably to the film. No negative reviews have been published. At the same time, many filmmakers stressed that the main thing in film "Collector" - not events, and changes in the soul of the protagonist, who masterfully managed to convey to Constantine Khabensky.

The audience reacted to the film ambiguously. Monoplay - phenomenon in the modern Russian cinema is quite rare and, apparently, few people are ready for it. What advantages and disadvantages did the audience see in Krasovsky's film?

habena constantin collector

Non-standard psychological cinema

One of the best Russian actors XXI century starred in the film "Collector". Konstantin Khabensky - an actor whose participation is capable of raisingpopularity, perhaps, of any picture. A well-known critic noted after the premiere: the performer of the main role managed to keep the attention of the audience exclusively with voice and charisma. With this statement, of course, admirers of creativity Khabensky.

Just half an hour actor created on the screen a wide range of feelings: from self-confidence and self-admiration to despair and remorse. So, the main advantage of the film - brilliant a game Khabensky. According to the majority of viewers, it was she who made a non-standard psychological cinema from this film.

film collector reviews


Eugene Stychkin at "Collector" played a villain devoid of any moral principles. How did he manage to do this? After all, he never appeared in the frame. Create a bright negative image, playing only the telephone companion of the protagonist, Skimmer succeeded thanks acting talent And of course, beautifully written dialogue.

Daria Moroz performed the role of the girl hero Khabensky. She played a frivolous person, unable to empathize with the person with whom her bind a long relationship. Thanks heroine Darya Moroz found and the characteristic features of the protagonist. Arthur is a manwho surrounds himself with imaginary friends and believes in false values. And only being in a critical situation, he understands how much hypocrisy and vulgarity in his life.

Russian viewers after the premiere of Krasovsky’s picture were pleasantly surprised: a low-budget film might also be interesting. Indisputable dignity "Collectors" - bright, full of psychology dialogues. But not everyone liked the movie.

collector Evgeny stychkin

Main character

The hero finds himself in a difficult situation. Friends and colleagues are turning away from him. As a result, the collector changes its outlook on life and leaves the hated office. Cynical scoundrel turns in the unfortunate lonely person. Some viewers did not like the idea of ​​cinematographers to portray an employee collection bureau of repentance. In addition, the authors of negative reviews claim that in the picture of Krasovsky, talent Khabensky was not disclosed.


Important detail in the plot - having a video that compromises the mainthe hero. But that shown in the scandalous movie, the audience did not know. And in this, perhaps, the main flaw of the creators of the film. With careful viewing in the plot you can find a lot of absurd situations.

Everyone will instantly know about the content of the video. Near the office building where the hero is located Khabensky, the crowd immediately wants to deal with the collector. But Arthur is not a celebrity, not political doer How did he manage to attract public attention in a matter of minutes? The understatement, the abundance of unclear details in the plot - the main drawback of the film "Collector".