/ / The film "Descended from Heaven" (1986): Actors, Story, History of Creation

The film "Descended from Heaven" (1986): actors, plot, story of creation

There are among the Soviet military paintings those thatUnfortunately, almost unknown to modern viewers. For example, the film "Descended from Heaven" (1986). The actors who performed the leading roles are known by the whole country. Known and artists who played minor characters. A touching plot, an unexpected outcome, high-quality music. Nevertheless, the film "Descended from Heaven" is not included in the collection of the best domestic films about the war. There are very few reviews about it.

1986 movie cast

How the movie was made

In the fifties, Alexei Kapler wrote the story"Two out of twenty millions." Perhaps this soulful work was once familiar to many readers. Today, few know about its existence. After a quarter of a century after the publication of Kapler’s book, director Natalya Troshchenko decided to make a film.

The plot of "Descended from Heaven" is slightly different fromliterary source. Writer V. Kunin only reduced the number of characters and the number of years allotted to the main characters. The author's idea remained intact. Why is Kapler's story forgotten? What is the reason for the unpopularity of the film "Descended from Heaven" (1986)?

The actors arrived on the set after threeday after the explosion in Pripyat. In those dramatic days, life went on. In Kiev, was preparing for the parade. In Crimea, filmed a picture of the war entitled "Descended from Heaven" (1986).

Actor Alexander Abdulov played the main rolewhich is already said about the success of the audience. But no hype happened. The premiere was quiet; there were no queues at cinemas to the ticket office. It's not about the Chernobyl tragedy. The creators of the picture a little late. They removed it in the midst of "perestroika", and in the years of changing ideals, the military theme lost its popularity.

movie come down from heaven reviews

In Adzhimushkaysky catacombs

Characters in the film a bit.And even those that exist, serve as a kind of background for the difficult but happy life of the main characters. They met during the war. In 1942, Sergey and Masha found themselves in the Adzhimushkay catacombs surrounded by Germans. People here died of thirst and wounds. No one dared to leave the catacombs - the Germans shot at everyone who approached the well.

The rescue

They went out together, weakened, exhausted, butdetermined We approached the well, took water and slowly went back to the catacombs. German soldiers were aiming at them for a long time, as if wondering whether to shoot or not to shoot. But a miracle happened. None shot. Sergey and Masha remained alive.

Most of the paintings are devoted to the post-war time. But the life of the heroes is an illusion, a dream, a fiction. Actors of the film "Descended from Heaven" (1986) played two of the 20 million who died in World War II.

the movie came down from heaven

Actors of the film "Descended from Heaven" (1986)

The main roles were performed by A. Abdulov and V. Glagolev.Yu. Belyaev is an actor whom viewers are accustomed to see in the image of a military man, and a front-line soldier played here. N. Ivanov played a negative role. The film also played E. Popova, O. Melenevsky, V. Kostetsky, S. Ivanov.

Alexander Abdulov

The actor played about 80 roles in the cinema.His career began in the early seventies. In 1978, Abdulov played the Bear in the Ordinary Miracle. This role brought him fame. The best paintings with his participation include such as "Formula of Love", "Ten Little Indians", "Secrets of Madame Wong", "Carnival", "Wizards", "Look for a Woman", "Sons of bitches".

In 2009, Alexander Abdulov played Oblonsky in the film adaptation of the novel "Anna Karenina". But this film was released after his death. The actor died in 2008 after a long illness.

Vera Glagoleva

Исполнительница главной роли в драме "Сошедшие с Heaven "is known not only as an actress, but also as a wonderful director. She played in 49 films and created six films. One of her films is devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Vera Glagoleva played in the pictures Marry Captain, Broken Light, Sofia Petrovna, "Waiting Room", "Poor Sasha" and others. The actress died in August 2017.