/ The best tales of Andersen. The summary of "Thumbelina", "Ogniva" and the fairy tale "The Nightingale"

The best tales of Andersen. The summary of "Thumbelina", "Ogniva" and the fairy tale "The Nightingale"

Andersen's tales (a summary of whichpresented in this article) have won the readers' sincere love and are very popular all over the world. The writer gained fame after a fantastic story, published in 1829, entitled "A Walking Journey ...". From what year Andersen's fairy tales became famous? A brief summary of the best of them you can read in this article.

A few words about the creation of his tales

Andersen tales

A real creative breakthrough in the creation of literaryworks begins in 1835. It is this date that is significant for his fairy tales. In the 1840s his collection "The book with pictures without pictures" was published, which confirms his inherent talent. With incredible speed, the success and fame of Andersen's fairy tales won. The devoted contents of the favorite compositions were recounted to each other by devoted readers and looked forward to new works with impatience. In 1838 the second edition of fairy tales was started, and in 1845 - the third. By this time he was already very famous throughout Europe. In 1847, he visited England, where he received a warm and hearty welcome. In the second half of the 1840s and in subsequent years, the writer works with special zeal and publishes plays and novels, cherishing the dream of becoming famous as a playwright. But all is vain. Andersen's tales (a brief summary of which everyone has heard), although they brought him fame, but at some point in his life he began to despise them. However, he continues to write them. The latest fairy tale was created in 1872 on the eve of Christmas. In the same year, the writer fell from the bed, hurt heavily, and from the injuries he was already unable to recover, although he lived for another three years. On August 4, 1875, he died.

Andersen's Tales. List. Summary

fairy tale andersen list summary


  • "Wild swan".
  • "Flint".
  • "Road comrade".
  • "Thumbelina".
  • "Storks".
  • "Princess on the Pea".
  • "A bad boy."
  • "Chamomile".
  • "Mermaid".



  • "Angel".
  • "Collar".
  • "Ugly duck".
  • "Buckwheat".
  • "A girl with matches."
  • "Spruce".
  • "Bride and groom".
  • "Out of the almshouse window."
  • "Bell".
  • "Red shoes".
  • "Water drop".
  • "Linen".
  • "Little Tuk."
  • "Ole Lukoie."
  • "Shepherdess and chimneysweep."
  • "Jumpers".
  • "Swineherd".
  • "The Snow Queen".
  • "Nightingale".
  • "From the ramparts."
  • "An old house".
  • "Happy family".
  • "Neighbors".
  • "Shadow".
  • "Hill of forest spirits."


  • "Anne Lisbeth."
  • "Cheerful disposition".
  • "Everything has its place."
  • "Hans Churban".
  • "Yard cock and vane".
  • "Two girls."
  • "The Jew".
  • "There is a difference!"
  • "Ib and Christinochka."
  • "Stone of wisdom."
  • "Something".
  • "The Ringing Whirlpool".
  • "How beautiful!"
  • "Swan's Nest".
  • "At the edge of the sea."
  • "On the dunes."
  • "Silent book".
  • "The Last Pearl."
  • "Pen and inkwell".
  • "Phoenix".
  • "Under the willow."
  • "Disappearing".
  • "Sleep".
  • "Heart grief".
  • "Piggy bank".
  • "Skorokhody."
  • "The thorny path of glory."

Late period


  • Album of the Godfather.
  • "In the nursery."
  • "Van and Glen".
  • "Two brothers".
  • "Twelve Passengers".
  • "Maiden ice".
  • "Day of moving".
  • "Dryad".
  • "Bishop of Berglum and his kin".
  • "Toad".
  • "Green crumbs".
  • "Golden Boy".
  • "Who is the happiest?"
  • "Comet".
  • "Butterfly".
  • "In the poultry yard."
  • "Dung-beetle".
  • "Peater, Peter and Peir."
  • "Psyche".
  • "Snowdrop".
  • "Bird folk song".
  • "Silver Coin".
  • "Fairy tale".
  • "Snowman".
  • "Hidden - not forgotten."
  • "Old church bell".
  • "Son of the Gatekeeper".
  • "The fate of the burdock".
  • "Auntie".
  • "Rags".
  • "What you can think of."


  • "Flea and Professor."
  • "Children of the Year".
  • "Days of the week".
  • "Daughter of the giant."
  • "Evil Prince".
  • "Picture".
  • "Key to the gate".
  • "Queen of blizzards".
  • "Lizochka at the well".
  • "About what old woman Johanna told".
  • "A shepherd shepherds a sheep."
  • "Dance, doll, dance!"
  • "Brothers".
  • "Great grandfather".
  • "The Rose".
  • "The Tale of Wives".
  • "Tales in verse".
  • "Mascot".
  • "Auntie Tooth Pain".


summary of the tale

Even a summary of the fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Andersen makes it clear what an amazing idea lies at its core.

Женщина не могла иметь детей и обратилась к the witch. She advised her to plant a seed of a tulip. The woman did so, and a miracle happened. A girl about an inch tall appeared. The nutshell became her cradle, and the tulip petal - her boat. But Thumbelina did not live long in this house. The real adventure of the girl begins after Toad kidnaps her for her ugly son. Fish saved her. The beauty liked the Maybeetle, but relatives did not appreciate his choice, and he left it. Sad baby gets into the mink of the field and very greedy mouse, which advised her to marry a mole. Anticipating the bleak life underground, Thumbelina went out to say goodbye to the sun and the swallow, for whom she had cared for the whole winter. She offered to fly with her. The girl agreed, and they flew to warm lands. On the flower, she met the king of the elves, who made her an offer. Finally Thumbelina found her prince.


summary of the tale of flint andersen

The summary of the tale "Flint" by Andersen (about the soldier and his adventures) fascinates with its plot.

Once a soldier met a sorceress.She offered to go to him in the hollow protected by scary dogs, where he could collect a great number of jewels for himself. For this, she asked to bring her a flint. He did everything, but didn’t give up, but chopped off the head adviser. He soon skipped all the wealth from the hollow, losing all his new friends. Once he used a candle from a flint. A dog appeared that could fulfill three wishes.

Once he wanted to see a princess. The dog fulfilled his request. In the morning she told her mysterious dream.


В другой раз королева привязала на спину дочки a bag of cereal that fell on the road. The soldier was traced and imprisoned. On the day of the execution, the soldiers asked the shoemaker to bring him a flint, for which he gave him 4 coppers. He wanted to smoke. After clicking the flint, three dogs appeared at once. They threw the audience so high that people broke on the ground. The soldier was released and asked to marry the princess. At the wedding table sat and invited dogs.

Summary of the tale "The Nightingale" by Andersen

Summary of the tale Nightingale Andersin

In the forest there lived a nightingale who fascinated with hissinging. The emperor ordered to find him and bring him to the palace. The subjects complied with his decree. The bird was settled in the palace, and she sang so much that the emperor was deeply moved and wept. Nightingale has become very popular. Once the Japanese emperor sent a golden nightingale with precious stones to his colleague. He could sing one song from the repertoire of a live bird. A year later, the nightingale broke down and was wound up only once a year. Five years later, the emperor fell ill, and there was no one to get a bird. And then the real nightingale arose, and with his song he saved him from death. But he asked not to break the toy.

Таким образом, сказки Андерсена популярны во всем the world. Their number and variety of fascinating plots confirm the genius of the author. He wrote them from 1835 until his death. The considered summary of the fairy tale "Thumbelina" by Andersen (as well as "Flint" and "Nightingale") testifies to interesting stories.