The basis, the source of inspiration for EuropeanGreek gods and goddesses, Greek heroes, myths and legends served them as poets, dramatists and artists. Therefore, it is important to know their summary. The legends and myths of ancient Greece, the whole of Greek culture, especially in the late period, when philosophy and democracy were developed, had a strong influence on the formation of the whole European civilization as a whole. Mythology evolved over a long time. Legends and legends became famous because the reciters traveled along the paths and roads of Hellas. They carried more or less long stories about the heroic past. Some gave only a brief summary.
Legends and myths of ancient Greece graduallythey became familiar and beloved, and what Homer created was to be learned by heart from an educated person and to be able to quote from any place. Greek scholars, who sought to streamline everything, began to work on the classification of myths, and turned the disparate stories into a harmonious series.
Major Greek Gods
The very first myths are devoted to the struggle of variousthe gods among themselves. Some of them did not have human features - these are the creatures of the goddess Gaia-Earth and Uranus-Heaven - twelve titans and six more monsters that horrified their father, and he plunged them into the abyss - Tartarus. But Gaia persuaded the remaining titans to overthrow her father.

Zeus's war for power
Zeus grew up, matured and made Kronosreturn to the white light of their swallowed sisters and brothers. He encouraged them to fight a cruel father. In addition, part of the titans, giants and cyclops took part in the struggle. Ten years of struggle lasted. The fire was raging, the seas were boiling, nothing could be seen from the smoke. But the victory went to Zeus. The enemies were overthrown in Tartar and imprisoned.
Gods on Olympus
Zeus, to whom Cyclops was shackled with lightning, becamethe supreme god, Poseidon obeyed all the waters of the earth, Hades - the underworld of the dead. It was the third generation of gods, from which all other gods and heroes descended, about which they will begin to tell stories and tales.

Who patronized the gods
They are not very pleased with people.Often they were jealous or longed for women, jealous, were greedy for praise and honor. That is, they were very similar to mortals, if we take their description. Legends (summary), legends and myths of ancient Greece (Kun) very contradictory describe their gods. “Nothing pleases the gods more than the collapse of human hopes,” Euripides believed. And Sophocles echoed him: "The gods are most willing to help a man when he goes to meet his death."
All gods obeyed Zeus, but for humans he hadvalue as a guarantor of justice. It was when the judge judged unjustly that a person turned to Zeus for help. In matters of war, only Mars dominated. The wise Athena patronized Attica.

Myths about heroes
One of the favorite myths was about Theseus, the son of the king of Athens.Egeya. He was born and raised in the royal family in Tresen. When he grew up and was able to get his father’s sword, he went to meet him. On the way, he destroyed the robber Procrustes, who did not allow people to pass through their territory. When he got to his father, he learned that Athens was paying tribute to girls and young men to Crete. Together with another party of slaves, under mourning sails, he went to the island to the king Minos to kill the monstrous Minotaur.

Epic - the second part of the book by Nikolai Albertovich Kuhn
Legends of the Argonauts, the Trojan War, ofOdyssey's travels, about Orestes' revenge for the death of his father, and Oedipus's misadventures in the Theban cycle constitute the second half of the book that Kuhn wrote, Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece. A summary of the chapters above.
Returning from Troy to his native Ithaca, Odysseus spent many long years in dangerous wanderings. It was difficult for him to go home on a stormy sea.

Legends of the Trojan cycle and the campaigns of Odysseycreated in his poems Homer - "The Iliad" and "Odyssey", the myths about the march for the Golden Fleece to the shores of Pont-Evsinsky are described in the poem Appolonius of Rhodes. Sophocles wrote the tragedy “Oedipus Tsar”, the tragedy of the Arrest - the playwright Aeschylus. They are given a brief content of "Legends and myths of ancient Greece" (Nikolai Kun).
Мифы и легенды о богах, титанах, многочисленных heroes disturb the imagination of artists of the word, brush and cinematography of our days. Standing in a museum near a picture written on a mythological theme, or hearing the name of the beautiful Helen, it would be nice to have a little idea of what is behind this name (a huge war) and know the details of the plot depicted on the canvas. The “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece” can help this. Summary of the book will reveal the meaning of what he saw and heard.