/ / House actor in Krasnoyarsk - a place for the soul

The actor's house in Krasnoyarsk is a place for the soul

Founded in 1979, Krasnoyarsk House of Actorbecame a cultural center for educational seminars, theater festivals, creative and professional meetings. The Krasnoyarsk branch of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation is located here. The administration and the creative team organize various theatrical events, and the mass celebration of traditional festivals is firmly rooted and has become a custom in this institution.

House actor, Krasnoyarsk

But the main thing that attracts citizens here is a visitperformances of a permanent troupe or entreprise theaters and touring groups. A full house in the House of Actors of Krasnoyarsk is a common thing. The multi-genre plays of Russian and foreign authors play here, but the viewer takes the best comedies.


Participants of the House of Actor performances in Krasnoyarsk -artists of the drama, the oldest in Krasnoyarsk, the theater named after A. Pushkin, which theatergoers are often called Pushkin. The game of the team always remains a highlight in the memory of the audience.

“Dreams come true”, a kind, with graceful humor playabout love the audience takes a standing ovation and standing up to the actors. And in the performance “Boeing-Boying” Pushkins make it uncontrollably, the audience laugh to tears and by their performance they make you want to visit the performance again.

In the production of Sergei Selemenev "My son-in-law stolecar firewood "according to the stories of V. M. Shukshina involved a star cast. The virtuoso play of performers seems to immerse the viewer in the distinctive spirit of the Russian village, in the life of its inhabitants with a simple unhurried speech and characteristic humor. The performance remains one of the best in the repertoire of the House of Actors of Krasnoyarsk.

In addition to those mentioned, currently not yet submittedless than six regular plays. The house of the actor has also become a platform for Andrei Pashnin’s remarkable production of The Separate Theater “Intimate Life”. Each performance of this theater invariably delights the audience. Unfortunately, Barcelona does not come out for some time, an excellent comedy by Ray Kuni performed by Pushkins, who did not leave the stage for a long time. Perhaps, it will reappear in the repertoire, since it was beautifully received by the audience.

Spiritual place

During performances between performers andthe audience of the House of the actor there is a certain spiritual interconnection, and the audience, without noticing it, become participants in the action. A small area of ​​the hall and theater places located close to the scaffolding contribute a lot to this. Many people are attracted here by this genuine warmth inherent in the House of the actor of Krasnoyarsk. Everything here is from the heart, from the heart: and a small gallery in the lobby, and a cozy buffet with delicious coffee, and some kind of, almost homely atmosphere.

Repertoire, House Actor, Krasnoyarsk

Pessimistic note

Но приличных размеров ложка дегтя все же в этом there is. The interior of the House of actor has long been in need of repair. The deplorable state of the auditorium is depressing, and one can only imagine what conditions are given behind the scenes to the actors.

Perhaps a small amount of visualplaces with the deduction of salaries and other expenses can not provide a sufficient amount for the repair. And doesn’t it even save the sale of extra tickets with the substitution of additional chairs (and even those sometimes are not enough), which create a tight cluster in the hall? If so, then it remains to hope only for the merciful alms of the city administration. Or, recalling the history of Russian philanthropy, when the level of donations reflected the scale of the state, suddenly a generous patron will respond, ready to put the necessary funds for repairs on the altar of art.