/ / Where did "White Dew" and the second part of the film?

Where did they shoot "White Dew" and the second part of the film?

In 1983, the movie "White Dew" was released.The main roles in the film were performed by famous actors - Mikhail Kokshenov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Galina Polsky and others. Do you want to know where the "White Dew" was filmed? Then we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Where did they take off the white dew

The plot of the film

The film develops in the 1980s inBelorussian village White dew. The main heroes live there: an old father and three of his sons. Their village is about to be demolished, and in its place will appear modern high-rise buildings. Frontman Fyodor, as well as his sons Vasily, Andrei and Alexander do not want to leave.

History of the film

About where the "White Dew" was filmed, we will tella little bit later. In the meantime, consider the history of the picture. The script was written by the famous playwright Alexei Dudarev in Belarus. Initially, the film was called "Village". But director Igor Dobrolyubov decided to change it and was right.

In 1984, at the All-Union Film Festival,held in Kiev, Vsevolod Sanaev (Fedor in the White Dew) was awarded the prize for the best acting work. At that time he already had the title of "Honored Artist of the RSFSR".

Where the film was shot white dew

Where the film "White Dew" was filmed

The plot of the picture is known to many of us. Some of the phrases pronounced by the heroines became winged. But not everyone knows where the "White Dew" was shot. Now we will talk about this.

The shooting took place in Belarus.And the nature for the movie "White Dew" was the real village Devyatovka, located near Grodno. This settlement faced the same problem that was shown in the frame. In connection with the growth of Grodno, Devyativka was inside the city limits.

As you remember, the average son of Fedor Alexander(Mikhail Kokshenov) for almost 15 years lived in the Far East. Scenes with him were shot on one of the islands of the Kuril chain - Kushnaira. It turned out very believable.

Where the film was shot the white dew back

Where did the film "White Dew. Return"

In 2009, it became known that AlexeiDudarev wrote the script for the second part of the legendary picture. According to his idea, the protagonists should become the characters beloved by the audience. Working on the plot, the screenwriter took into account the state of health of Nikolai Karachentsov.

В 2013 году культовому фильму исполнилось 30 лет.And just in time for this anniversary the shooting of the second part was completed. Work on the continuation of "White dew" was conducted in the Ostrovets district. The crew is located in the village of Kaymina Gornaya. This town is located on the hills. It is surrounded by lakes. Only two families live in the village. The rest of the house is abandoned.

During the filming of the rural road was forcedcars and trucks. They were transported scenery, as well as expensive equipment. August 28, 2013 work was completed. The locals until the last waited for the arrival of their favorite actor Nikolai Karachentsov. But due to poor health, he was unable to visit the film set in Belarus.


You got an answer to the question of where you filmed"White Dew" and the continuation of the film. This picture is worth seeing at least in order to meet with your favorite actors and enjoy the beauty of the Belarusian nature.