In the school curriculum in pre-revolutionaryRussia on compulsory conditions, except for the "Law of God", included acquaintance with the myths of Ancient Greece. Acquaintance with them was an indicator of human education, and ignorance immediately betrayed an impostor, positioning himself as a "man from society," even if he had exquisite manners. An enlightened man of that time could not help reading the "Myths of Ancient Greece", the brief content of which was already secretly distributed among young people, who did not have time to study the whole work. Without knowledge of the exploits of Hercules, it would be impossible to read and screen the "Nebula of Andromeda" by Efremov, so popular among the people.
The most successful, concise and capacious ancient Greeklegend described N. Kun. "Myths of ancient Greece" is this author is the most popular book, in demand even now. She gives an idea of the classical works of Homer, Euripides, Virgil and Hesiod in a concise and understandable form for the layman.
Despite the tightness (in comparison withprimary sources) of the presentation, the work of N. Kuhn can not be regarded as simply described briefly "Myths of Ancient Greece." This is a fairly detailed description of all the main events of ancient Greek mythology. But acquaintance with the myths is necessary, since they are without exaggeration the basis of world culture.
Given the employment of modern man and the need to have at least elementary knowledge in this area, and created various similar publications, they include the "Myths of Ancient Greece."
Содержание книги Н.Kuna, compiled more than in detail, mentions the names of absolutely all gods and heroes and lists all the events, which are described in more detail in the collection Myths of Ancient Greece. The brief content allows us to sufficiently understand the depth of the described events.
It is impossible to imagine that Homer, even intranslation of Zhukovsky and Gnedich, will be widely read, but the book by N. Kuhn can be read and needed. She is entertaining, fascinating, cognitive and fully justifies the time spent on her.
During the Soviet era, a lot of good animated films were produced dedicated to Theseus, Perseus, Hercules. Hollywood generally exploits this theme, not disdaining the complete reworking of eternal subjects.
Actually, watching a number of films can replace the reading of the book "Myths of Ancient Greece", the short content of these same myths the filmmakers try to convey most fully and vividly.