Many novice artists have a question abouthow to draw a pigtail. It doesn't always work out right. But in fact, drawing a braid is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know the technology, be careful and follow a few simple recommendations.
Spit - girlish beauty

Not for nothing at all times a long braid was consideredsymbol of girlish beauty. Well-groomed hair, laid in a braid, really look like a rich decoration. Many artists in their paintings glorified long-haired beauties.
Draw a pigtail ornament

The braid ornament is not only very popular inour days, but also is one of the most archaic. Especially loved by the ancient Slavs and Scandinavians. This pattern looks good both as part of the composition of the picture, and as an element of frame decoration. And it is drawn as easily as a regular braid of hair.
How to draw a pigtail pencil
The easiest way to use the following scheme:

According to this scheme, even the youngest artist will copewith the task and be able to draw a braid. First you need to draw a three-line layout - these are the edges and the middle of the future pigtail. In the center we will draw a zigzag line. Then it remains only to draw strands, add shadows, draw a gum on the tip.
How to draw a pigtail in stages
For those who have mastered the basics, the following method will do. Pigtail is very realistic.
1. Before drawing a pigtail, let's make a sketch. We will start from the base of the braid, that is, from the head itself. By a few strokes we denote the crossing of the strands.

2In the next step we draw the crossing of the strands and mark the tip of the pigtail. Do not try to achieve perfect accuracy. Firstly, we are still in the sketch stage, and secondly, human hair does not lie in absolutely straight strands. Especially if they curl a little. Therefore, strands with constrictions and thickenings will look more realistic.

3. Осталось добавить некоторые штрихи.We superimpose and shade shadows, draw loops. How to draw a pigtail to make it look like a real one? Add a few loose hairs, and make the tip curly.

A few tips for newbies
- It is necessary to draw a braid from the place where its weaving begins.
- Rounded lines are best drawn from the edges to the center, and not vice versa.
- Each next strand must begin below the previous one.
- To emphasize the natural shine of the hair, the most prominent fragments need to be made lighter.
- Sprouted hair at the crown is usually lighter than the rest.
- The end of the braid can be decorated with a bow, rubber band or barrette.
- For the same lesson, you can practice drawing a braid with coal, sanguine, slate, and wax crayon.
Other types of braids
There is a huge variety of hairstyles inthe basis of which weave braids. Those who have learned to draw a regular pigtail can try to depict a "French", "cone" or braid, laid with a high wreath around the head.